Host configuration

A set of documents describes the Developer for z/OS® host configuration. Each of these documents has a specific target audience. You do not have to read all of these documents to complete the Developer for z/OS configuration.
  • Before configuring the Developer for z/OS host, you need to configure z/OS Explorer first. Refer to Server configuration for more details on z/OS Explorer.
  • IBM® Developer for z/OS Host Configuration Guide (SC27-8577) describes in detail all of the planning tasks, configuration tasks, and options (including optional ones), and provides alternative scenarios.
  • IBM Developer for z/OS Host Configuration Reference (SC27-8578) describes Developer for z/OS design and gives background information for various configuration tasks of Developer for z/OS, z/OS components, and other products (such as WLM and CICS®) related to Developer for z/OS.
  • IBM z/OS Dynamic Test Runner Host Configuration Guide (SC27-9902) discusses the configuration of IBM z/OS Dynamic Test Runner on your z/OS host system.
  • IBM z/OS Debugger Customization Guide (SC27-4645) describes all debug related configuration tasks, including the optional ones.
  • Answers to common host configuration and maintenance issues (SC14-7373) provides troubleshooting information for various server related areas.
  • Application Delivery Foundation for z Systems Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide describes how to customize and use the ADFz Common Components.
  • Installing and configuring IBM Dependency Based Build server describes all IBM DBB related installation and configuration tasks.

Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development

You can use Host Configuration Assistant for Z Development (HCA) to generate customized checklists for these components, and then refer to this section for more details. HCA is a cloud-based wizard that is designed to simplify planning and configuring of Z development products. Besides these components, you can also find the configuration information for other host components like z/OS Explorer.