Overview of Menu Manager

The Menu Manager provides a graphical interface for customizing pop-up menus for projects, subprojects, data sets, and files.

By using the Menu Manager, you can customize pop-up menus in the following ways:
  • Editing actions that are displayed on pop-up menus.
  • Creating actions that are displayed on pop-up menus.
  • Defining actions to override existing actions; when the original action is started, the overriding action is called instead of the original action.
  • Defining remote actions that use complex features, such as events files and user exits.
  • Using substitution variables in action command strings.
  • Copying menus and actions to modify the original versions.
  • Reorganizing items within a menu.
You can use the following Menu Manager preference pages to create, edit, and remove action and menu definitions:
  • Menu Manager - to specify the following preferences:
    • Whether to clear the Console after you run an action. This option determines the default behavior for any action that does not override this setting with a specific value.
    • That you want to save a copy of the remote action script file (when you run a remote action).
    • The return codes that indicate the successful completion of an action.
  • Actions and Menus - to define, edit, and delete actions and menus.
  • Menu Selection - to assign the menus that you define for use with projects, subprojects, data sets, and files.