Creating a debug profile for a non-CICS application with Z Open Debug

To start the debugger when a particular resource is loaded, such as a subprogram or a stored Db2® procedure, instead of the first entry compile unit of the initial load module of an application, you must create and activate a non-CICS® profile. The non-CICS profile describes filters to trigger the debugger and other debugger configuration options. Non-CICS profiles are stored in a sequential data set called an EQAUOPTS file. Only one non-CICS profile can be active on a z/OS® system per user.


  1. Open the Z Open Debug Profiles view.
  2. In the view toolbar, select Create Profile > Batch, IMS, Db2. The Debug Profile Editor opens.
  3. Specify appropriate values.
    Profile name
    Specify a profile name. A name is automatically generated when you create a new profile. You can use this name or specify a different one, but the name must be unique.
    The user name and connection name defined in Settings > Extensions > IBM Z Open Debug are displayed.
    Load Module or DLL/Program or C Function
    Specify at least one to a maximum of eight load module or DLL and program or C function pairs.
    Note: Avoid using the wildcard (*) for both load module or DLL and program or C function in the same pair unless you want to debug all applications.
    Optional: Additional Subsystem Filters
    Job Information
    Use these fields to trigger a debug session when a job that matches the specified job filters is run on the system. These filters are used with the previous filters.
    Job Name
    Specify a job name for the debugger to match.
    Step Name
    Specify a step name for the debugger to match.
    IMS Options
    Use these fields to trigger a debug session when IMS details match the specified information. These filters are used with the previous filters.
    Subsystem ID
    Specify the IMS subsystem ID where the debugger is triggered.
    Transaction ID
    Specify the IMS transaction ID to trigger the debugger.
    Optional: Debugger Options
    Test level
    Select TEST or NOTEST from the list of TEST runtime options.
    Use this option to give z/OS Debugger control according to the specified options.
    • If z/OS Debugger is started with CEETEST, PLITEST, or __ctest(), the options in the debug profile are used.
    • If z/OS Debugger is started by using CALL CEETEST or an equivalent entry, you cannot debug higher-level non-Language Environment® programs or intercept non-Language Environment events that occur in higher-level programs after you return from the program that started z/OS Debugger.
    Use this option so that z/OS Debugger is not started at program initialization. However, you can still start z/OS Debugger with CEETEST, PLITEST, or the __ctest() function. In this case, the suboptions specified with NOTEST are used when z/OS Debugger is started.
    Error level
    Select ALL, ERROR or NONE from the list of TEST runtime suboptions.
    Specifies that the following occurrences cause z/OS Debugger to gain control, regardless of whether a breakpoint is defined for that condition.
    • An attention interrupt
    • An ABEND of a program
    • Any program or Language Environment condition of Severity 1 and above
    Specifies that only the following conditions cause z/OS Debugger to gain control without a user-defined breakpoint:
    • For C and C++: an attention interrupt, program termination, a predefined Language Environment condition of Severity 2 or above, any C and C++ condition other than SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2, SIGINT, or SIGTERM.
    • For COBOL: an attention interrupt, program termination, a predefined Language Environment condition of Severity 2 or above.
    • For PL/I: an attention interrupt, program termination, a predefined Language Environment condition of Severity 2 or above.
    Specifies that z/OS Debugger gains control from a condition only when a breakpoint is defined for that condition.
    Prompt level
    Select PROMPT or NOPROMPT from the list of TEST runtime suboptions.
    Indicates that you want z/OS Debugger to start immediately after Language Environment initialization. Commands are read from the preferences file and then any designated primary commands file. If neither file exists, commands are read from your terminal or workstation.
    Indicates that you do not want z/OS Debugger to start immediately after Language Environment initialization. Instead, your application begins running.
    If you specify the NOPROMPT suboption, you cannot debug higher-level non-Language Environment programs or intercept non-Language Environment events that occur in higher-level programs after you return from the program that started z/OS Debugger.
    When z/OS Debugger is running without the Language Environment runtime started by using EQANMDBG, the NOPROMPT option is ignored; PROMPT is always in effect.
    Commands data set
    Specify a valid fully qualified data set name that contains the initial debugger commands to run when the debug session starts, or click Browse to select a data set.
    Note: Not all commands are permitted in remote debug sessions. You might see errors in the Debug Console view if such commands are included in the commands data set.
    Preferences data set
    Specify a valid fully qualified data set name that contains debugger commands that customize your debug session, or click Browse to select a data set.
    Note: Not all commands are permitted in remote debug sessions. You might see errors in the Debug Console view if such commands are included in the preferences data set.
    EQAOPTS file
    Specify the name of the data set containing the EQAOPTS commands for your debug session, or click Browse to select a file.
    Language Environment options
    Specify any additional Language Environment (LE) options that your program might need. You can change any Language Environment option that your site allows you to override except the STACK option. This option is not available for non-CICS profiles.
    Optional: Advanced Connection Options
    Specify these options to connect to a client other than the current one, such as for headless code coverage or to send a debug session to another user’s client.
    Connection with specific client information
    Select this option to force the debug profile to use connection information that you specify. Specify either an IP and port, or a user ID.
    Specify the IP name or address to connect with when the debug or code coverage session is triggered.
    Specify the TCP/IP port that the debug daemon or headless code coverage collector is listening for incoming sessions.
    User ID
    Use this option when Debug Manager is running, and you want to send a debug session to another user’s client. That user must be signed into Remote System Explorer.
  4. At the end of the editor, click Create to create the profile.