Policy Agent configuration

The Policy Agent enforces TCP/IP related policies created by the TCP/IP administrator. It manages policies for AT-TLS, called TTLS, but also for other services such as IPSec. The Policy Agent uses a configuration file to know which policies must be enforced, and where they can be found. The default configuration file is /etc/pagent.conf, but a different location can be specified in the Policy Agent started task JCL.
# TCP/IP Policy Agent configuration information.
TTLSConfig /etc/pagent.ttls.conf
# Specifies the path of a TTLS policy file holding stack specific
# statements.
#TcpImage TCPIP /etc/pagent.conf
# If no TcpImage statement is specified, all policies will be installed
# to the default TCP/IP stack.
#LogLevel 31
# The sum of the following values that represent log levels:
#  LOGL_SYSERR     1
#  LOGL_OBJERR     2
#  LOGL_EVENT     16
#  LOGL_ACTION    32
#  LOGL_INFO      64
#  LOGL_TRACE    256
# Log Level 31 is the default log loglevel.
#Codepage IBM-1047
# Specify the EBCDIC code page to be used for reading all configuration
# files and policy definition files. IBM-1047 is the default code page.

This sample configuration file specifies where the Policy Agent can find the TTLS policy. It uses Policy Agent default values for other statements.