Encrypted communication

If the debug client uses encryption to communicate with the Remote System Explorer (RSE) daemon, by default, the client also uses encryption to communicate with the host-based Debug Manager.

The following table shows whether a debug session can be started successfully with encrypted communication disabled or enabled for RSE and Debug Manager.
Table 1. Encrypted communication combinations for RSE and Debug Manager
  DBGMGR encrypted communication enabled1 DBGMGR encrypted communication disabled
RSE encrypted communication enabled The debug session starts in secured mode.2 Ask the user to confirm unsecured connection and then proceed as normal.
RSE encrypted communication disabled The debug session cannot be started. The debug session starts in unsecured mode.
  1. Unlike RSE daemon, Debug Manager does not have native support for encrypted communication. To enable encryption, create an AT-TLS policy for the port used by Debug Manager.
  2. Users can starts debug sessions without prompts only when the same certificates as RSE, or different chained certificates of the same CA root are used for Debug Manager. Certificates of different CA roots are considered as untrusted, and users need to take actions before they establish debug connection.

Creating an AT-TLS policy for the port used by Debug Manager

The Debug Manager relies on a TCP/IP service called Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) for encrypted communication. For a step-by-step setup guide, see Setting up AT-TLS.

To enable encryption, create an AT-TLS policy for the port used by Debug Manager for external communication, by default 5335. See the following sample policy.
TTLSRule                      zOS_Debugger_Debug_Manager
 LocalPortRange           5335
 Direction                Inbound
 TTLSGroupActionRef       grp_Production
 TTLSEnvironmentActionRef act_zOS_Debugger_Debug_Manager
TTLSEnvironmentAction         act_zOS_Debugger_Debug_Manager
 HandshakeRole Server
  Keyring dbgmgr.racf     # Keyring must be owned by the Debug Manager
TTLSGroupAction               grp_Production
 TTLSEnabled              On
 Trace                    2