Creating a Remote IMS Application with Isolation launch configuration

You can create a launch configuration to help register IMS transactions for debug in isolated regions, manage private regions, set routing patterns, and activate a Debug Tool Startup Profile (DTSP profile) that stores information used to start the debugger in debug or code coverage mode. Remote IMS Debug Application with Isolation launch configurations are only available in IBM® Developer for z/OS® Enterprise Edition.

Before you begin

Ensure that your system programmer installed and configured the IMS transaction isolation extension for the ADFz Common Components server.

About this task

You can create an IMS with Isolation debug configuration from the Debug perspective. You can manage the transaction and private regions you want to debug. You can create multiple debug configurations and store them on your client. On the remote system, only one debug profile at a time can be active. Activating any of the debug configurations on the client activates the matching remote profile and deactivates all other client configurations.


  • To create an IMS Application with isolation debug configuration, complete the following steps:
    1. To start the Remote IMS Application with Isolation debug configuration wizard, click the debug icon (Debug icon) and then select Debug Configurations. The Debug Configurations wizard opens.
    2. From the list on the left, right-click Remote IMS Application with Isolation and select New. The Remote IMS Application with Isolation debug configuration wizard opens.
    3. Type a name for the new debug configuration in the Name field.
    4. Use the IMS Configuration tab to select, register, and deregister transactions that you are interested in debugging. You can also use this tab to start and stop private regions, and set routing information for selected transactions.
    5. Complete the required fields and any other optional fields in the wizard and click Apply to save the configuration. This wizard contains the following tabbed pages: IMS Configuration, Remote Profile, STEPLIB, Launch Action, Debug Options, Engine Preferences, Common, and Source. For more information about the wizard pages and the fields, see the related topics. After you click Apply, the new configuration is saved on the client and the remote debug profile is created or updated. The Debug button remains disabled unless you have selected the Launch Host Connect Emulator launch action because this wizard does not launch IMS transactions.
  • To use the launch configuration in code coverage mode, complete the following steps:
    1. From the toolbar, click the code coverage button. The launch configuration dialog opens.
    2. Specify any code coverage options on the Code Coverage tab.
    Note: You can repeatedly run your code coverage test with a single click by recording and specifying a macro with the Host Connect Emulator.