Creating user profile attribute change files

A user profile attribute change file is a customer-created CSV text file that contains changes for user profile information. After you are enabled to use the integration server, you use these text files to update user profile attribute information.

Required change file name and content formats are described here.

Note: Some profile attribute fields cannot be updated by using a user profile attribute change file. The fields that are supported for this operation are listed in Table 2.

User profile attribute change file naming convention

Profile attribute change files must be properly named to be recognized and processed. Use the following naming convention when you create a user profile attribute change file: customerId_department_PROFILES_seqNum.csv

Table 1. User profile attribute change file naming convention.

User profile attribute change file naming convention

File name entry type File name entry description


Specifies the internal numeric identifier that is assigned to the customer.

Your customer ID is in the Company Account: Settings section of the Administration user interface. Use the value that is assigned to your specific customer account for the customerId value.


Specifies the optional department name for the user.


The value must be PROFILES.


Specifies the sequence number that is used to order the processing of files; the value must be an integer value 0 - 9223372036854775807. The value must not be less than the value of the last file processed.

If the last sequence number that was processed is 9223372036854775807, either successfully or with a failure, the next provisioning file can have a sequence number of 1 or higher. This allows you to reset the last sequence number that is stored on the server.

UNIX epoch time is the suggested format. Use the UNIX date and time stamp for the seqNum part of the file name. See (opens a new window) details.

Sequence numbers are relative to the customerId value. This allows for machine and region independence.


Specifies the file extension that indicates the data encoding type. The value must be csv.

  • The following example shows a valid file name for a user profile attribute change file:
  • 30020506_PROFILES_1260226223.CSV

In this example, the organization's name is represented by the character string 30020506, PROFILES must be specified when you update user profile attributes, the sequence number is 1260226223, and the file is designated as one whose contents are comma-separated. Source ID is not included in the file name when you update user profile attributes.

User profile attribute change file operations

The update operation is the only valid operation when you use a provision change file to update user profile attributes.

User profile attribute change file operation fields

The first line of the provisioning change file contains required header information; subsequent lines contain field values as described in the following table. Each line must end with the appropriate line feed or carriage return to ensure that line endings are processed correctly during FTP transfer.

If you include other fields that are not included in the following table, those fields are not processed. Only field names that match the profile field names in the following table are processed.

Note: Enclose new field values in double quotation marks (""). If the new value for a field contains a comma (,), each comma (,) is interpreted as a field value separator. For example, if you want to update the description field with a value of Owner, CEO, and Chair Member, you must specify this new value as "Owner, CEO, and Chair Member". You can also use an empty double quotation mark ("") value to blank out a field. For example, field value,"",field value.
Table 2. User profile attribute change file operation field names and descriptions.

User profile attribute change file operation field names and descriptions

Field name Field value description Required or optional per operation


Specifies the email address to be used when the user logs in.

This field is required.

This field cannot be updated. It is used for user identification.


Specifies the operation to be processed.

This field is required and for user profile updates, must have the value update in lowercase format.


Specifies the user ID of the user's manager.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 256.


Specifies the email address of the user's manager.

This field is optional and can be used instead of the managerUid field. Since Profiles references a user's manager by the managerUid field, the managerEmail field is used to look up the manager's user ID, and that user ID value is then used to set the managerUid field in the profile that is being updated.

This field cannot be updated. It is only used to build the management chain hierarchy.

This field must contain a value in order for the management chain information to be available in a user profile.


Specifies whether the user is a manager.

This field is optional.

A value of Y indicates that the employee is a manager. Any other value indicates that the user is not a manager. To change a current manager to a non-manager, specify double quotation marks "" or "N".

This field must contain a value in order for the management chain information to be available in a user profile.


Specifies user background information.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 4096.


Specifies the user's job experience.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 4096.


Specifies the user's job title.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 4096.

This field can also be updated through Profiles.


Specifies the office telephone number for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 50.


Specifies the mobile telephone number for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 20.


Specifies the fax number for the user.

This field is optional for the Add and Update operations.

The character limit is 20.


Specifies an extra phone number for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 64.


Specifies an extra phone number for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 64.


Specifies an extra phone number for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 64.


Specifies the primary address of the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 500.


Specifies extra address information for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 500.


Specifies extra address information for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 500.


Specifies extra address information for the user.

This field is optional.

The character limit is 500.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.


Specifies additional information about the user.

This field is optional. If this field is not defined, no value is displayed.

The character limit is 1000.