Preparing Global Domain documents

Prepare at least one Global Domain document to define the Internet domains that your company owns.

About this task

The Global Domain documents must be in synchronized Domino directories that replicate to the service. When you configure the service, you verify ownership of the domains that are defined in the replicated Global Domain documents. Global Domain documents are used in the service only to define your Internet domains and not to route mail.

Usually you can use Global Domain documents that already exist in production Domino directories. Follow the procedure in this topic to verify that they are configured correctly for the service.

In some situations, you must create a new Domino Directory manually from the pubnames.ntf template, add a new Global Domain document to it, and replicate the new directory to the service. Otherwise, if you put the Global Domain document in the primary Domino directory for a domain, it can prevent proper on-premises mail routing in the domain.

Put a Global Domain document in a manually-created Domino directory to define a Foreign Domain that includes devices, such as printers or faxes. Typically, a Foreign Domain document is used on-premises to route requests to the devices.

Also put a Global Domain document in a manually-created Domino directory if you want to use an asterisk (*) wildcard to define multiple subdomains within one root domain. The root domain is defined in a separate Global Domain document. When you verify the root domain during service configuration, the subdomains are automatically verified, too. This approach is useful if there are many subdomains that do not include service users.
Note: If service users are in a subdomain, you must specify the complete subdomain name in a Global Domain document. The subdomain can also be defined through a wildcard entry.
Note: Do not delete any Global Domain documents from a directory that is synchronized with the service. Do not delete Global Domain documents even if you move them to another directory, for example as part of a Domino domain consolidation effort. Deleting Global Domain documents can cause the internet domain validation for your company to be lost.

Domains specified in the Global Domain document field Alternate Internet domain aliases are not handled as alias domains by the service. Instead, each domain in this field is listed and verified in the service as a separate domain, similar to the domain specified in the Local primary Internet domain field. To enable a user to receive mail addressed to a domain in the Alternate Internet domain aliases field, you must specify the user’s address for the domain in the Person document.

If multiple Global Domain documents specify the same domain, the service removes the duplicate domain occurrences.

Perform the following steps to create or verify at least one Global Domain document.


  1. Open the Domino directory in which you want to add or verify a Global Domain document.
  2. Click Configuration and then expand the Messaging section.
  3. Click Domains and perform one of the following steps:
    • To verify an existing Global Domain document, select the document and click Edit Domain.
    • To create a new Global Domain document, click Add Domain.
  4. Specify the following fields on the Basics tab.
    Table 1. Basics tab of Global Domain document
    Field Step
    Domain type Select Global Domain.
    Global domain name Type any descriptive name.
    Global domain role Select R5/R6/R7/R8.
    Use as default Global Domain Select if you use more than one Global Domain document and you want this domain to be the default.
  5. Ignore the Restrictions tab. The service does not use information in this tab.
  6. Verify that the following fields on the Conversions tab correctly define an Internet domain. Ignore the other fields in this tab; the service does not use them.
    Table 2. Conversions tab of Global Domain document
    Field Step

    Local primary Internet domain

    Type a domain name, for example,

    To specify multiple subdomains at once, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, if your company owns these subdomains:

    If you use a wildcard, you must specify the root domain in a separate Global Domain document.

    Note: If a service user is in a subdomain, you must specify the complete subdomain name in a separate Global Domain document.

    Alternate Internet domain aliases

    Type any additional domain names, separated by a comma (,). For example, type,

    Note: When you configure the service, each domain in this field is listed as a separate domain to be verified.
  7. Click Save & Close.
  8. Restart the server. This step is not necessary if the Global Domain document is in a new directory created only for use with the service.

What to do next

Prepare to replicate the directory that contains the Global Domain document to the service.