OIDC Dynamic Clients- Register a client

To register a client, issue a HTTP POST to the Client Registration Endpoint.

See OAuth 2.0 endpoints.

Any values which are posted in the JSON body are stored such that both standard values and custom values can be kept. These values are available in mapping rules and in a macro on the consent page.

The following example is an example request to register a client:
POST_DATA='{"redirect_uris": [ "https://app.com"],
     "company_name":"Applications Inc"}'

curl https://myisam.com/mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/register/mydefinition-d "$POST_DATA" -H "Accept: 
application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer myAccessToken" -H "Content-type: application/json"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

"client_secret_expires_at": 0,
"owner_username": "testuser",
"company_name": "Applications Inc",
"registration_client_uri": "https://myisam.com/mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/register/testDef?client_id=myClient",
"client_secret": "mySecret",
"tos_uri": "https://app.com/tos",
"client_id_issued_at": 1522139359,
"redirect_uris": "https://app.com",
"registration_access_token": "myClientAccessToken",
"client_id": "myClientId"