Handling the favicon.ico file with Mozilla Firefox

About this task

Problem background:

The favicon.ico file is a small graphic icon that is used by some browsers (including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox) to enhance the display of address bar information and "favorites" bookmark lists. When requesting a resource, these browsers also try to locate the site's custom favicon.ico file.

There is a difference, however, in the way Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox decide when to request the favicon.ico file:

  • Internet Explorer requests favicon.ico only when the returned page is bookmarked.
  • Mozilla Firefox requests favicon.ico at the same time as the request for the page.

The request and response exchange between a Mozilla Firefox browser and a WebSEAL server can result in an HTTP 404 "Not found" message for the user when the favicon.ico does not exist.

In a protected WebSEAL environment, Mozilla Firefox's attempt to access the favicon.ico file triggers a login prompt. WebSEAL caches /favicon.ico as its "last requested URL." Once the user successfully logs in, WebSEAL redirects the request to this "last requested URL" location. The file (being non-existent in this example) is not found and a 404 "Not found" error is returned to the user. The originally requested page is never accessed because of the redirection process.


The following steps solve this problem:


  1. Place a favicon.ico file in the junction-root directory. You can access this directory from the Manage Reverse Proxy Management Root page of the LMI.
  2. Add a definition for the ico file format in the [content-mime-types] of the WebSEAL configuration file:
    ico = image/x-icon
  3. Create an ACL that allows unauthenticated access to /favicon.ico. For example:
    pdadmin> acl show favicon
    ACL name: favicon  
       Any-other Tr
       Unauthenticated Tr
       User sec_master TcmdbsvaBRrl
  4. Attach this ACL explicitly to /favicon.ico or ensure that the unauthenticated permission is inherited to this point. For example:
    pdadmin> acl attach /WebSEAL/abc.ibm.com-default/favicon.ico favicon


If you do not want to create and install a favicon.ico file, the problem can be solved by following steps 3 and 4 only. An ACL can be attached to an object space representation of a resource, even if the resource does not physically exist. Although the browser still does not find the file, the unauthenticated ACL prevents a login prompt. The browser handles the 404 error internally and proceeds to access the requested page.