Embedding reCAPTCHA verification in an Info Map mechanism

You can embed reCAPTCHA verification in Info Map mechanism instances.

The Site Key and Secret Key configured in the reCAPTCHA Verification mechanism are made available to the Info Map mechanism via two default macros: @RECAPTCHASITEKEY@ and @RECAPTCHASECRETKEY@.

For more information about configuring reCAPTCHA support, see Configuring the reCAPTCHA Verification authentication mechanism.

In the HTML template:

For example:

<SCRIPT SRC="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js" ASYNC DEFER></SCRIPT>

In the JavaScript mapping rule:

For example:

// Retrieve the reCAPTCHA response from the request.
var captchaResponse = context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter", 
// Verify captchaResponse with Google, using @RECAPTCHASECRETKEY@. The third parameter 
allows you to overload Google's verify endpoint URL, passing null will use the default.
var captchaVerified = (captchaResponse != null) && RecaptchaClient.verify(captchaResponse, 
macros.get("@RECAPTCHASECRETKEY@"), null);