rsrccred show

Displays the attributes of a single sign-on credential. The credential identifier is composed of a resource name, a resource type, and a user name.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use this command.


rsrccred show resource_name rsrctype {web|group} user user_name


Specifies the name of the single sign-on resource or resource group that is associated with the credential. The resource or resource group must exist, or an error is displayed.

Examples of resource names are engwebs01 and printerusers.

rsrctype {web|group}
Specifies whether the resource type named is web (resource) or group (resource group) for the single sign-on resource that is associated with the credential. The type of resource must match the resource type that is assigned when the resource or resource group was first created.
user user_name
Specifies the name of the user that is associated with this credential. The user must exist, or an error is displayed.

Examples of user names are dlucas, sec_master, and "Mary Jones".

Return codes

The command completed successfully.
The command failed. When a command fails, the pdadmin command provides a description of the error and an error status code in hexadecimal format (for example, 0x14c012f2). See "Error messages" in the IBM Knowledge Center. This reference provides a list of the Security Access Manager error messages by decimal or hexadecimal codes.


  • The following example displays the specified single sign-on credential:
    pdadmin sec_master> rsrccred show engwebs01 rsrctype web user dlucas
    The output is like:
    Resource Name: engwebs01
    Resource Type: web
    Resource User Id: dlucas
  • The following example displays the specified single sign-on credential:
    pdadmin sec_master> rsrccred show user888 rsrctype group user "Mary Jones"
    The output is like:
    Resource Name: printerusers
    Resource Type: group
    Resource User Id: Mary Jones