group show

Shows the properties of the specified group.

Requires authentication (administrator ID and password) to use this command.


group show group_name

group show-dn dn

group show-members group_name


show group_name
Shows the properties of the group that is specified by group_name. The group must exist, or an error is displayed.

Examples of group names are Credit, Sales, and Test-group.

show-dn dn
Shows the group that is specified by the group identifier in the user registry. The returned group is defined in the user registry, but it is not necessarily a Security Access Manager group. Groups that are not Security Access Manager groups can be imported into Security Access Manager by use of the group import command. For example, the format for a distinguished name is like "cn=engineering,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=us".
show-members group_name
Lists the user names of the members of the specified group. The group must exist, or an error is displayed.

Examples of group names are Credit, Sales, and Test-group.

Return codes

The command completed successfully.
The command failed. When a command fails, the pdadmin command provides a description of the error and an error status code in hexadecimal format (for example, 0x14c012f2).

See "Error messages" in the IBM Knowledge Center. This reference provides a list of the Security Access Manager error messages by decimal or hexadecimal codes.


  • The following example displays properties of the credit group:
    pdadmin sec_master> group show credit
    The output is like:
    Group ID: credit
    LDAP dn: cn=credit,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=US
    Description: Credit, Dept HCUS
    LDAP cn: credit
    Is SecGroup: yes
  • The following example displays properties that are specified by the identifier of the group, cn=credit,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=US in the user registry:
    pdadmin sec_master> group show-dn cn=credit,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=US
    The output is like:
    Group ID: credit
    LDAP dn: cn=credit,ou=Austin,o=Tivoli,c=US
    Description: Credit, Dept HCUS
    LDAP cn: credit
    Is SecGroup: yes
  • The following example lists the user names of the members of the credit group:
    pdadmin sec_master> group show-members credit
    The output is like:

See also

group list