Manifest Build

A manifest is a proprietary DB2 table named qualifier.CPA_MANIFEST that contains all the information required by the CICS® PA plug-in for CICS Explorer® to access and use the historical data. A manifest is a catalog of HDBs that are associated with the same qualifier and for which the Explorer indicator is set.

For more information about the IBM® CICS Explorer, see the following Web page:

Manifest Build command

The manifest qualifier and Explorer options are specified in the HDB definition.

A manifest build is requested from option 5.5 Historical Database Export or option 5.7 Historical Database Maintenance. From the list of HDBs, select Explorer -> Manifest Maintenance from the action bar. Specify the manifest qualifier and if required, DB2 table details, then press Enter to generate the JCL.

The command format is:
The options are:
Specifies the CICS Transaction Server release. The VRM is used by the Manifest build process to determine the Statistics IDs required for the DB2 table names. This value must match the VRM of the statistics data being loaded into DB2 tables otherwise DB2 load errors may occur.
Specifies the CICS Transaction Gateway release. The VRM is used by the Manifest build process to determine the Statistics IDs required for the DB2 table names. This value must match the VRM of the statistics data being loaded into DB2 tables otherwise DB2 load errors may occur.

CICS PA assigns a DDname of MANB0001 for the Recap report output.

Manifest Build Recap report

Successful completion of the Manifest Build request produces a Recap report. It contains output from the job step that populates the manifest and lists the HDBs and their DB2 tables that were included for the specified qualifier.

Figure 1. HDB Manifest Build Recap report
 V5R3M0                                                 CICS Performance Analyzer                                                  
                                                       Manifest Build Recap Report                                                 
MANB0001 Printed at 9:28:48 9/07/2010                                                                                              
Manifest Build for Qualifier: FINANCE   Repository DSN: CICSPROD.CICSPA.XYX.REPOSTRY                                             
Number of Performance tables:        1                                                                                             
Number of Statistics tables :        9                                                                                             
HDB Name Table Name   Description                    Status                                                                        
-------- ------------ ------------------------------ ---------                                                                     
PERFP1   CPA_CMFPSUM  Performance Summary            Included                                                                      
PERFP2   CPA_CMFPSUM  Performance Summary            Duplicate                                                                     
STATS1   CPA_HST005A  Domain Subpools                Included                                                                      
         CPA_HST006A  Task Subpools                  Included                                                                      
         CPA_HST014A  Storage Overview               Included                                                                      
         CPA_HST014B  DSAs                           Included                                                                       
         CPA_HSTG000A Connection Manager             Included                                                                       
         CPA_HSTG001A CICS Server Statistics         Included                                                                       
STATS2   CPA_HST065A  MVS TCBs                       Included                                                                       
         CPA_HST014A  Storage Overview               Duplicate                                                                      
STATS3   CPA_HSTG000A Connection Manager             Duplicate                                                                      
         CPA_HSTG001A CICS Server Statistics         Duplicate                                                                      
         CPA_HSTG002A CICS Server Instance for EXCI  Included                                                                       
         CPA_HSTG007A CICS Server Instance for IPIC  Included                                                                       

Confirm from the job output that the manifest DB2 table named qualifier.CPA_MANIFEST was successfully defined or rebuilt. In this example, FINANCE.CPA_MANIFEST.