2.2.1 Tag Functions

To collect data, the IBM® Digital Analytics library files must be included in the page and calls made to the appropriate tag functions. Some 'tag' function calls are applicable to implementations for all business verticals. Other 'tag' function calls are used only in specific business verticals.

Tags are most commonly rendered within the HTML <body> section source, but might also be called based on in-page events. Each tag has a defined list of parameters provided at the time of function calls. These functions execute to create data collection requests, including both explicitly provided data parameters and automatically collected data such as timestamp, referring and destination URL's, etc. Tag parameter data is case insensitive: all collected data is converted to upper-case upon receipt and for display in processed report views.

The following 'tag' function calls are applicable to IBM Digital Analytics implementations for all business verticals:

The following 'tag' function calls are applicable to IBM Digital Analytics implementation for sites within the Retail, Travel and Financial Services verticals: