Adding a property definition to a class definition fails: Database row length limit exceeded (Db2 database)

Attempting to add a property to a class results in an error indicating that the maximum allowable length has been exceeded.


When you attempt to add a property to an object store with Db2® configured as the database engine, you receive the following Db2 error:

DB_ROWLENGTH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The summation of column lengths exceeds the capacity
of the underlying database. Verify that the pagesize of the hosting tablespace is
32,677. If that is correct, set the ObjectStore property TableOverflowEnabled to
true and retry the operation. The system has determined that property Component
Binding Label of class Document cannot have its column added to table 
DocVersion because the column's additional size (133) will exceed the row length
limit of the table. The calculated row length prior to the addition is 31,968 and
the server is using a tablespace pad of 2,048 with an overflow table limit of 1.


Db2 has a maximum byte limit for the row length. Because each property that you create becomes a table column, you can exceed the row size limitation and receive an error when you add a property definition to a class.

Resolving the problem

Reduce the maximum length size of the property that you are attempting to add. If reducing the size does not resolve the problem, existing columns and associated properties must be reduced in size or recreated with a different datatype, which requires careful procedures with the assistance of IBM support.