Executing Connection Code

From the Eclipse IDE, you test the connection to the Content Platform Engine.

Testing from the Eclipse IDE


  1. In Eclipse, if the Console pane is not already open, click the Show View icon in the lower left corner of Eclipse, and click Console.
  2. In the Eclipse menu bar, click Run > Run Configurations.
  3. Expand Java Application in the left pane.
  4. Select your run configuration, then click Run.

    If the code is run successfully, it will:

    • Connect to the Content Platform Engine
    • Retrieve an object that represents a FileNet domain
    • Iterate and print the names of all of the object stores in the domain
    • Terminate with the message Connection to Content Platform Engine successful.


If you get an exception, perform these troubleshooting steps:

  • You specified the URI correctly in the connection code. Verify that the URI specifies the right protocol, and that the URI specifies the correct host server and port number. Note that the host name must be known to your DNS server.
  • You entered the correct user ID and password values in the connection code.
  • You included all of the required JARs in the IDE project class path. Verify that you set the IDE project to the same IBM® Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is used in WebSphere Application Client or WebSphere Application Server.
  • You set the VM arguments correctly in the runtime configuration. Confirm that the -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.ConfigURL argument is set to the sas.client.props file, and that you correctly set the SAS client properties. If the VM arguments include path variables, check the values. If sas.client.props is on the local file system, verify that the file: specifier is included in the setting, for example, file:${WS_APPSERVER}/profiles/AppSrv01/properties/sas.client.props.
  • The Content Platform Engine server is running.
  • If your environment includes a firewall to which you must authenticate before connections are allowed to pass through, verify (by using your browser or other local procedure) that you are authenticated.