Subscribable and auditable events

You can subscribe to or audit many Content Platform Engine events.

The following table lists the Content Platform Engine events that you can subscribe to or audit. The table contains the following columns:

  • The Event column lists events in alphabetical order, and indicates whether an event is subscribable and auditable. All of the events are auditable, and most are subscribable.
  • The Initiating Action column describes the actions that fire the events and indicates the classes on which the actions apply. (Subclasses of these classes apply as well.) The source object of an event is the object on which the action is initiated.
  • The Comment column provides additional event-related information.

For information about developing applications that implement subscription or auditing functionality, see Subscriptions or Auditing.

Event Initiating Action Comment


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: no

Enable or disable auditing on an object store.

Applies to: ObjectStore

Instances of AuditConfigurationEvent cannot be administered through AuditDefinition objects. These audits always occur regardless of the AuditLevel property value of an ObjectStore.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Cancel check-out.

Applies to: Document, VersionSeries

Canceling a check-out results in deleting the reservation object.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Change class of an object.

Applies to: All subscribable classes that allow subclasses.

UpdateEvent is also triggered by the change class action.

Subscription behavior for ChangeClassEvent:

  • For an instance subscription, the value of the event's SourceClassId property is the ID of the original class (the one that is replaced with a new class).
  • For a class subscription, the value of the event's SourceClassId property reflects the class that is the target of the subscription, which can be either the original class or the new class.
  • If subscriptions are set on both the original class and the new class, only one event is fired, and the value of the event's SourceClassId property is the ID of the original class.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Change lifecycle state of a document.

Applies to: Document, CmTask



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Check in document reservation object.

Applies to: Document, VersionSeries

Check in fires the following events:

  1. If major check-in, PromoteVersionEvent on reservation object.
  2. CheckinEvent on reservation object.
  3. UpdateEvent on new document version (except when combined create/check-in is done).

Checked-in reservation object becomes the new document version, making it the tip version of the VersionSeries.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Check out a document.

Applies to: Document, VersionSeries

Check out fires the following events:

  1. CheckoutEvent on document version.
  2. UpdateEvent on document version.
  3. CreationEvent on reservation object.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Document is processed by a classifier.

Applies to: Document

"Classifier" refers to the classification component in the Content Platform Engine auto classification feature.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Move content.

Applies to: Document, Annotation



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Create and save an instance of a class

Applies to: Subscribable



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Raise a user-defined (custom) event.

Applies to: Subscribable



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Delete object from object store.

Applies to: Subscribable

This event is triggered as a result of a hard delete, when the deleted object is removed from the object store database and is unrecoverable. Contrast with MarkForDeleteEvent.

When the last of all of the versions of a versionable object is deleted, this event is also triggered on the VersionSeries object (Content Platform Engine or later is required).


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Demote document to a minor version.

Applies to: Document, VersionSeries



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

File an object in a folder or create a subfolder.

Applies to: Folder

FileEvent is triggered by the creation of ReferentialContainmentRelationship (RCR) object.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Prevent changes to the custom properties of the object version.

Applies to: Document



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Retrieve the content of a content-carrying object.

Applies to: Document, Annotation

This event is the only event of base type RetrievalEvent that is subscribable. An event action handler for GetContentEvent must implement the RetrievalEventActionHandler interface.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: no

Retrieve an object.

Applies to: Subscribable



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Lock an object.

Applies to: Document, Folder, CustomObject



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Mark an object for deletion.

Applies to: VersionSeries, CustomObject

Although marked for deletion, the object still exists in the object store database and is recoverable. If the marked object contains object-valued properties (OVPs) with DeleteAction of CASCADE, then the server marks the objects that are referenced by the OVPs for deletion as well. MarkForDeleteEvent is triggered for every object marked for deletion. For more information, see Recovery Bins.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Promote document to a major version.

Applies to: Document, VersionSeries



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

A document-publishing request has completed.

Applies to: Document

PublishCompleteEvent is triggered by deletion of the PublishRequest object.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Request to publish or republish a document.

Applies to: Document

PublishRequestEvent is triggered by creation of thePublishRequest object.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: no

Perform a query.

Applies to: N/A

QueryEvent is triggered by a search with the audited class in the FROM clause.

The value of the event's SourceClassId property is the ID of the class that has the audit definition (or the subclass if the audit definition is on a parent class and "include subclasses" is checked).

You cannot find the audit records by looking at the class definition; query event records must be found by using an ad hoc search.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Restore a recoverable object.

Applies to: CmRecoveryItem

The object that is restored is the original object that was marked for deletion, plus any objects that are referenced by object-valued properties (OVPs) with DeleteAction of CASCADE in the original object. RecoveryEvent is triggered for every object that is restored.

The CmRecoveryItem object is deleted as a result of this action. For more information, see Recovery Bins.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Take federated ownership of a document.

Applies to: Document

For a federated document, grants exclusive control of the document to the Content Platform Engine.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Unfile an object from a folder or delete a subfolder.

Applies to: Folder

UnFileEvent is triggered by deletion of ReferentialContainmentRelationship (RCR) object.


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Unlock an object.

Applies to: Document, Folder, CustomObject



Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Update properties of an object.

Applies to: Subscribable

UpdateEvent can be triggered by other initiating actions, for example, checking in, checking out, or changing the class of a document. In the case of a versionable object, canceling a checkout or deleting a version triggers UpdateEvent on the VersionSeries object (Content Platform Engine or later is required).

Note that this event is not triggered by a combined create/check-in action, when an object is marked for deletion, or when the last of an object in a version series is deleted (which also results in the deletion of the VersionSeries object).


Auditable: yes

Subscribable: yes

Change security.

Applies to: Subscribable

Security changes include changes to owner, permissions, security proxy properties, and application of a security template.

For versionable objects, both the object's instance and the object's version series are audited. This allows a search to see all the audit entries that pertain to all versions of the object, instead of just a single version.