Archiving and deleting retained metadata

If the option to retain metadata is configured for a file plan, then entities that are logically deleted remain in the object store.

About this task

The entities remain in the object store until you permanently delete them. Before you delete these entities, you can export them to a package of XML files for archiving purposes.

Create a search in the IBM® Administration Console for Content Platform Engine to capture the metadata that is eligible for archiving and then deletion.

Construct the search query so that the same results are returned each time that the query is run. That ensures the search results that you used to create the export package returns the same list of entities when you use the search query to delete the metadata. This approach avoids the potential for new entries to be included in the results to be deleted which might not be part of the export.

One method of using search criteria that can help return consistent results is the use of the property LastModifiedDate. The following example shows a set of search criteria that can prevent newer items from being returned if the search is run again later:
SELECT <properties list> FROM Record WHERE isDeleted = True AND LastModifiedDate <= <insert date here>

If the date provided is in the past and the date that is used is the same when the query is used for creating the export manifest and for deleting the objects, the result sets used in the two operations are likely to not include new objects.

You use IBM FileNet® Deployment Manager to create an export package that you can archive. Make sure to read through the procedures for using IBM FileNet Deployment Manager before you start this process.


To export retained metadata for logically deleted entities:

  1. Log on to IBM Administration Console for Content Platform Engine as Administrator.
  2. Expand the node for the file plan object store.
  3. Right-click the Search Results node and select New Search from the menu to open the Query Builder.
  4. Select the type of entity class that you want to export from the Select from Table list box. For example, select RecordInfo if you want to export only records. The query builder shows all columns that are defined in the selected table in the Select Columns list box.
  5. For the search criteria, select IsDeleted for the Column, and Equal To for the Condition. Select True for the Value.
  6. Set a criteria that guarantees consistent results when you rerun the search later, for example, by specifying a LastModifiedDate value.
  7. In the Search Result Display area, specify the following properties:
    • Name
    • Creator
    • Date Created
    • Date Last Modified
    • Last Modifier
  8. Click OK to start the search, and when the Query Status displays, click OK. The details pane shows the logically deleted entities.
  9. Review the results of the search to ensure that you are finding the correct data.
  10. Click Save As to save your search.
  11. Use IBM FileNet Deployment Manager to create an export package from the saved search that you created. The instructions can be found at the following location:

    Migrating data with FileNet Deployment Manager

    In this roadmap topic, complete the steps up to and including step 2c.

  12. In IBM FileNet Deployment Manager, create a package that can be stored externally and used to later restore the data by continuing the migration process with the following information:

    Creating a deployment package by using the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface

  13. In the IBM Administration Console for Content Platform Engine, locate your original search results or rerun your saved search.
  14. Click Search Results to permanently delete entities after the export. The details pane shows the result set from your original search.
  15. Select all of the entities. Then, right-click and select Multiselect Operations.
  16. From Bulk Operations, select the Delete Objects check box and click OK. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  17. On the Bulk Operations Status screen, click OK.