For Kubernetes or OpenShift: Installing Container Backup Support by using the command line

You can use the command line to install and deploy Container Backup Support on a Kubernetes or OpenShift® cluster.

About this task

A Helm 3 chart is used to install and deploy Container Backup Support on your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. Scripts are provided in the installation package to deploy Container Backup Support on your cluster.

During the installation and deployment procedure, you must update the and baas-values.yaml files with specifications for your environment, and then run an installation script. When you run the installation script, Helm 3 is used to deploy Container Backup Support in your environment.

You can install Container Backup Support by using one of the following methods:
Table 1. Methods for installing Container Backup Support
Installation method Steps
By downloading and installing the product package in an airgap environment The installation package from IBM Passport Advantage® Online is a larger but self-contained package. Internet access is not required at deployment time.
By fetching and installing the product package from IBM Helm Charts Repository and IBM Entitled Registry The Helm package is smaller in size and therefore takes less time to download. Internet access is required to pull containers at deployment time.
  • To upgrade from a previous version, you must uninstall the previous version and then install Container Backup Support Version 10.1.8 by using configuration values from the previous version. In Versions 10.1.6 and earlier, the configuration values are set up in the baas-config.cfg file. In V10.1.8, the configuration values are set up in the and baas-values.yaml files.
  • A rollback to a previous version is not supported. In other words, you cannot use previous versions of Container Backup Support to restore data that was backed up by Container Backup Support V10.1.8.
  • Due to underlying changes in the BaasReq object, you cannot use Container Backup Support V10.1.8 to restore data that was backed up by V10.1.5.