Defining a regular service level agreement job

After your MongoDB instances are listed, select and apply an SLA policy to start protecting your data.


  1. In the navigation pane, expand Manage Protection > Applications > MongoDB.
  2. Select the MongoDB instance to back up all the data in that instance.
    Figure 1. MongoDB Backup pane showing instances
    Backup instance
  3. Click Select an SLA policy and choose an SLA policy. Save your choice.

    Predefined choices are Gold, Silver, and Bronze, each with different frequencies and retention rates. You can also create a custom SLA policy by navigating to Policy Overview > Add SLA Policy.

  4. Optional: To enable multiple backup streams to reduce the time that is taken to back up large databases, click Select Options and enter a number of parallel streams. Save your changes.
    Figure 2. Backup options and SLA Policy Status
    Backup options
  5. Configure the SLA policy by clicking the icon in the Policy Options column of the SLA Policy Status table.

    For more information about SLA configuration options, see Setting SLA configuration options for your backup.

  6. To run the policy outside of the scheduled job, select the instance. Click the Actions button and select Start. The status changes to Running for your chosen SLA and you can follow the progress of the job in the log shown.

What to do next

After the SLA policy is saved, you can run the policy at any time by clicking Actions for that policy name, and selecting Start. The status in the log changes to show that the backup job is in the Running state.

To cancel a job that is running, click Actions for that policy name and select Cancel. A message asks whether you want to keep the data that is already backed up. Choose Yes to keep the backed up data, or No to discard the backup.