Start IBM Spectrum Protect Plus

Start IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to begin using the application and its features.


To start IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, complete the following steps:

  1. In a supported web browser, enter the following URL:
    Where host_name is the IP address of the virtual machine where the application is deployed. This connects you to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus.
  2. Enter your user name and password to log on.
    If this is your first time logging on, the default user name is admin and the password is password. You are prompted to reset the default user name and password. You cannot reset the user name to admin, root, or test.
  3. Click Sign In.
  4. If you are logging on to IBM Spectrum Protect Plus for the first time, you are prompted to complete the following actions:
    • Change the serveradmin password. The initial password is sppDP758-SysXyz. The serveradmin user is used to access the administrative console and the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance. The the password for serveradmin must be changed before accessing the administrative console and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus virtual appliance.
      The following rules are enforced when creating a new password:
      • The minimum acceptable password length is 15 characters.
      • There must be eight characters in the new password that are not present in the previous password.
      • The new password must contain at least one character from each of the classes (numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and other).
      • The maximum number of identical consecutive characters that are allowed in the new password is three characters.
      • The maximum number of identical consecutive class of characters that are allowed in the new password is four characters.
    • Start the initialization process for the onboard vSnap server. Select Initialize or Inititalize with encryption enabled to encrypt data on the server.