Running an ad hoc backup job

With an ad hoc backup job, you can select one or more resources that are associated with an SLA policy and run an on-demand backup operation for those resources.

About this task

This feature associates the selected SLA policy and resources in an ad hoc job for the purposes of running an immediate, on-demand backup operation. It does not change SLA policy assignments for resources that are associated with scheduled jobs.


To run an ad hoc backup job, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Jobs and Operations > Create Job.
  2. Select Ad hoc backup to open the backup wizard.
    • You can also open the wizard from the individual hypervisor or application management pages by clicking Manage Protection > Hypervisors or Manage Protection > Applications.
    • For a running summary of your selections in the wizard, click Preview Backup in the navigation pane in the wizard.
  3. On the Source type page, click the hypervisor or application for the resources that you want to include in the job.
  4. On the Select SLA policy page, select the SLA policy and then click Next.
  5. On the Select source page, take the following actions:
    1. Review the available resources.

      You can enter all or part of a name in the filter box to locate resources that match the search criteria. You can use the wildcard character (*) to represent all or part of a name. For example, vm2* represents all resources that begin with "vm2".

    2. Click the plus icon Plus icon next to the resource that you want to add to the job.

      To remove a resource from the list, click the minus icon Minus icon next to the resource.

    3. Click Next.
  6. On the Review page, review the job settings and then click Submit to create and run the job.

What to do next

To view the status and other information about the job, click Jobs and Operations in the navigation pane and click the job on the Running Jobs tab.