Starter apps and samples

Starter apps are templates or applications that offer you a glimpse into the powerful capabilities of IBM® IoT Connected Vehicle Insights and are the simplest way to get started. Available starter apps include web, mobile, and back-end server applications that demonstrate fleet management, and other automotive industry use cases.

Use the available Open Source starter apps to create prototypes and to test and evaluate IBM IoT Connected Vehicle Insights in a non-production environment.

Mobility Starter Experience

Several starter web and mobile applications are available to showcase the connected car features of IBM IoT Connected Vehicle Insights.

For more information and links to all of the available starter apps, see the Mobility Starter Experience landing page.

Examples of starter apps

Fleet Management

The Fleet Management starter app for the IBM IoT Connected Vehicle Insights offering demonstrates how quickly you can build an app to manage and monitor a fleet of vehicles in real time. The Fleet Management starter app uses an instance of the IBM IoT Connected Vehicle Insights service to provide a sample solution for fleet operation management and personnel.