This command is not required. IMSDBREFRESH finds data set names from database names, verifies the compatibility of the source and target databases, optionally stops the target databases, by default stops the source databases (unless keywords, FUZZY-COPY or SIMULATE are used), optionally performs the data set copies, and optionally starts the source and target databases after the copies have been performed and the target DBRC has been updated.

If the DATA-MOVER(PGM(ADRDSSU)) keyword is specified, IMSDBREFRESH invokes FlashCopy® or SnapShot to perform data set copies. If the DATA-MOVER(PGM(EMCAPI)) keyword is specified, IMSDBREFRESH invokes EMC/Timefinder Clone to perform data set copies.

If the DATA-MOVER(PGM(NONE)) keyword is specified, you must specify either the PRECOPY or POSTCOPY keyword. PRECOPY or POSTCOPY should be used to perform all of the same functions that are specified except for the actual copy. Instead, a list of data sets is built which can be used as input to your copy utility. After the copy, the IMSDBREFRESH command with POSTCOPY keyword performs all of the same functions. See Setup procedures for copy by data set with FlashCopy or SnapShot and Setup procedures for all other copy methodologies for more details.

The IMSDBREFRESH command performs the following:
  1. Gets the database characteristics from the source IMS subsystem that is defined by the IMS-SSID keyword.
  2. Gets a list of database data sets from the source IMS subsystem RECON and MDA members.
  3. Gets the database characteristics from the target IMS subsystem that is defined by the IMS-SSID keyword.
  4. Verifies the compatibility between the source and target databases.
  5. If COPY-IF-NO-IMS-TARGET-DB(Y) is specified, dynamically define the target database to the target IMS system.
  6. Issues IMS DBR commands for the target databases (if requested).

  7. Issues IMS DBR commands for the source databases unless keywords, FUZYZ-COPY or SIMULATE are used
  8. (If PGM=ADRDSSU): Invokes FlashCopy or SnapShot (if available). If PGM=EMCAPI: invokes EMC Timefinder/Clone (if available).
  9. (If PGM=NONE): Use IMSDBREFRESH command keywords, PRECOPY and POSTCOPY.
  10. Issues IMS START DB commands for the source database if previously stopped.
  11. Resets recovery information for the target database.
  12. Issues IMS START DB commands for the target database.

IMSDBREFRESH command syntax

Required keywords:
IMS-SSID(ims ssid)
Required if source and target IMS-SSID are the same:
Optional keywords:
     [,DATACLAS( class ) ]
     [,FASTREP( PREF | REQ | NONE ) ]
     [,MGMTCLAS( class ) ]
     [,NULLSTORCLAS( Y | N ) ]
     [,STORCLAS( class ) ] ) 
RENAME-MASKS( mask pairs )	
     &&PNODE, primary_node_name, -
     &&SNODE, secondary_node_name, -
     &&SRCTJDSN, source_target_job_data_set_name, -
     &&TRGTJDSN, target_target_job_data_set_name, -
     &&SRCIIUIN, source_iiuin_data_set_name, -
     &&TRGIIUIN, target_iiuin_data_set_name, -
     &&SRCMDA, source_mdalib_data_set_name, -
     &&TRGMDA, target_mdalib_data_set_name, -
     &&SRCHLQ, source_dbrcout_hlq, -
     &&TRGHLQ, target_dbrcin_hlq, -
     &&SCDHLQ, Connect:Direct_hlq_or_alias)
WAIT(nnn | 5 ) [,RC(nn) | 8 ]

IMSDBREFRESH command & keyword definitions

If using FlashCopy, SnapShot, or EMC Timefinder/Clone, use this command to perform analysis, cause a database, or databases, and indexes to be copied from one IMS subsystem to another and perform target updates.

If using Other Copy Methodologies, use the PRECOPY and POSTCOPY keywords in separate jobs to perform analysis, build the list of data sets as input to your copy methodology, and perform target updates.

  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
IMS-SSID(ims ssid)
Required keyword that provides the specification of IMS subsystem name pairing. The name that appears first in the pair reflects the SOURCE IMS subsystem name, the second, the TARGET IMS subsystem name.
  • Default: None
  • Required: Yes
  • Restrictions: None
DBD(dbdname1 ,dbdname2, dbdname3, ...)
Required keyword that specifies up to 3,200 database names to be refreshed from the source IMS subsystem to the target IMS subsystem. If the TGT-DBD parameter is omitted, then the target DBD name will be the same as the source DBD name.
  • Default: None
  • Required: Yes
  • Restrictions: None
An asterisk ( * ) wildcard, can be used in the dbdname values in following ways:
  • as a database name mask to be applied to the database names defined in the source ACB library
  • as a character within a database name to exclude that character position from the comparison. For example: ‘DBD(IV*DB1).
  • as the last character in the database name mask to select all databases in the ACB library that match the mask that is specified up to the wildcard character. For example: ‘DBD(IVP*).
TGT-DBD(dbdname1, dbdname2, dbdname3)
Only required if source and target IMS-SSID are the same, this keyword that specifies up to 256 database pairings to be refreshed from the source IMS subsystem to the target IMS subsystem. If the target DBD names are omitted, the source DBD name is used as the target DBD name.
  • Default: None
  • Required: If source and target IMS-SSID are the same
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates the ACCESS mode the databases are to be started with. This keyword is not valid if the GLOBAL keyword is specified.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Use of this keyword is not valid if the GLOBAL keyword is specified.
Optional keyword that specifies whether the IMSDBREFRESH command should continue processing even if non-recoverable primary databases are detected when LOG-APPLY(Y) is specified on the IMSDBREFRESH command. Valid values are:

ABORT - (the default) The IMSDBREFRESH command terminates with RC=8 and message GCL34073E.

CONTINUE - The IMSDBREFRESH command refreshes the non-recoverable primary databases and returns message GCL34074W and a return code of nn. Even if LOG-APPLY(Y) is specified, the IMSDBREFRESH command does not apply any logs to the target data sets of the non-recoverable primary databases after the data sets have been copied. The return code nn must be a numeric value 0 - 4095.

SKIP - The IMSDBREFRESH command skips refreshing the non-recoverable primary databases and returns message GCL34074W. It then continues to refresh the other databases and ends the job with a return code of nn. The return code nn must be a numeric value 0 - 4095.

  • Default: ABORT. For CONTINUE and SKIP, the default for RC(nn) is RC(4).
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: If ABORT is specified, RC is ignored.
ARCHIVE-WAIT (nnn | 5 ) [,RC(rr) | 8 ]
Optional keyword that indicates how long IMS Cloning Tool should wait for an online log data set to be archived before the IMSDBREFRESH job should abnormally terminate. This keyword controls the amount of time in minutes to wait for an online log data set to be archived and also the return code IMS Cloning Tool should terminate with if the online log was not archived in the specified time limit.

The wait time is the first parameter and must be a numeric value 0 - 999. The value that is specified indicates the number of minutes to wait. The return code that is specified must be a numeric value 0 - 4095.

  • Default: 5,RC(8)
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if LOG-APPLY(Y) is specified.
Optional keyword that indicates that IMS Cloning Tool should continue processing even if an error is encountered with one of the databases (for example, if one of the databases that is being refreshed had a compatibility issue). When Y (yes) is specified , IMS Cloning would still refresh the other databases.
  • Default: N
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None.
Optional keyword that indicates whether the source databases should be started after the copy process is complete. The default value is Y.
  • Default: Y
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Indicates whether to start each target IMS database after the copy process is complete. The default value is Y.
  • Default: Y
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Indicates whether the database refresh job should stop (DBR) each target IMS database before the copy process starts. If N is specified, IMS Cloning Tool assumes that it can get exclusive access to the target database data sets. If the database is not stopped, IMS Cloning Tool gets an allocation error. The default value is Y.
  • Default: Y
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates whether IMS Cloning Tool should redefine the target DBRC definitions of the target HALDB if the source and the target HALDBs have different definitions. The definitions that might be different are: the number of partitions, the partition ID, and the M-V data sets.

N - If COPY-IF-DIFFERENT-HALDB(N) is specified, the target HALDB will not be refreshed even if the source and the target HALDBs have different definitions.

Y - If COPY-IF-DIFFERENT-HALDB(Y) is specified, the target HALDB will be refreshed and redefined in the target DBRC so that it has the same definitions as the source HALDB. You must also specify the RENAME-MASKS keyword to determine the new target data set names. The following additional parameters can also be specified:
  • ALLOWTGTDBD: Indicates that the TGT-DBD keyword can be specified when Y is specified for the first operand on the COPY-IF-DIFFERENT-HALDB keyword. You must also specify the RENAME-MASKS keyword to determine the following target names when the target HALDB is redefined:
    • DBD name
    • Partition name
    • DD name
    • Data set name
  • NOTGTDBD: Indicates that the TGT-DBD keyword is not allowed. NOTGTDBD is the default value if COPY-IF-DIFFERENT-HALDB(Y) is specified.
  • Default: N
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions:
    • If COPY-IF-DIFFERENT-HALDB(Y) is specified, RENAME-MASKS must also be specified.
    • COPY-IF-DIFFERENT-HALDB(Y) is not allowed with the following keywords:
      • TGT-DBD
      • INDEXES(N) or INDEXES(P)
Optional keyword that indicates whether IMS Cloning Tool defines elements for target databases on the target IMS if they do not currently exist. These elements would include DBRC definitions, MDA members, and ACB members, and a CREATE DB command is submitted to define the database to the target IMS system. The process to perform the CREATE DB command requires the CSL and the target IMS system to be active.

If COPY-IF-NO-IMS-TARGET-DB(N) is specified and elements for the target database are not found, IMS Cloning Tool does not refresh the database. If COPY-IF-NO-IMS-TARGET-DB(Y) is specified, the RENAME-MASKS keyword is required to determine the target data set names. The RENAME-MASKS keyword is also required to determine the target DBD and DD names if the target database is in the same IMS system as the source database.

  • Default: No
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: If YES is specified, RENAME-MASKS must also be specified. If IMSPLEX is specified, then databases can be created using the CREATE DB command on the target IMS. If IMSPLEX is not specified, then the CREATE DB command is skipped.
Optional keyword that indicates whether IMS Cloning Tool applies data masking during the refresh, leaving the data in the source object in its original state, but modifying it before it is moved to the target object. Any changes that are made to the data is determined by user-specified masking rules that are applied during the copy. For more information on data masking with IMS Cloning Tool, see Masking data while refreshing databases.

If N (No) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool does not perform data masking.

If Y (Yes) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool does perform data masking, and the following additional parameter can also be specified:
  • RESTART or RERUN: An IMSDBREFESH job that is masking some data may be restartable if a JRNLDBRF or JOURNAL DD is included in the original IMSDBREFESH job. If the IMSDBREFRESH fails, then DATA-MASKING(Y,RESTART) can be specified to restart the IMSDBREFRESH from the previous point of failure. If the IMSDBREFRESH job fails and you want to start the database refresh job from the beginning, specify DATA-MASKING(Y,RERUN). If Y (Yes) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool performs data masking, and the following additional keywords can also be specified:
If Y (Yes) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool performs data masking, and the following additional parameters can also be specified:
  • UNLOAD-FROM(TEMP|SOURCE): Indicates whether to unload from the original source database or to create a temporary copy of the source database. The default is TEMP.
  • TEMP-DB-HLQ(USERID|xxxxx): Up to 26 byte high level qualifier to use to allocate the temporary database data sets used during the IMSDBREFRESH job. This keyword is only applicable if UNLOAD-FROM(TEMP) is specified. When USERID (the default) is specified, the user ID associated with the job performing the IMSDBREFRESH process is used. IMS Cloning Tool appends ‘database name.ddname’ to this value to create the data set name for the temporary database data sets. When the database to be masked is a HALDB, IMS Cloning Tool appends '.master database name.6-character suffix' to the high-level qualifier to create the data set name for the temporary database data sets. When the database is a FFDB or DEDB, the standard naming convention, 'HLQ.database name.ddname', is used. IMS Cloning Tool also appends 'RECON1' or 'RECON2' to this value to create the data set name for the temporary RECON data sets. The temporary RECON data sets are deleted once the unload file is created.
IMS Cloning Tool creates a temporary unload file for each source database as part of the masking process. The following parameters are used to specify the allocation parameters to use when allocating the temporary unload file:
  • TEMP-UNLOAD-HLQ(USERID|xxxxx): Specifies the high-level qualifier to use to allocate the temporary unload file to create during the IMSDBREFRESH job. This value can be up to 33 bytes. When USERID, the default, is specified, the user ID associated with the job performing the IMSDBREFRESH process is used. IMS Cloning Tool appends ‘database name.T’ to this value to create the data set name for the temporary unload file.
  • TEMP-UNLOAD-UNIT(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the UNIT to use when allocating the temporary unload file. There is no default.
  • TEMP-UNLOAD-VOLUME(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the volume serial to use when allocating the temporary unload file. There is no default.
  • TEMP-UNLOAD-STORCLAS(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the SMS Storage Class to use when allocating the temporary unload file. There is no default.
  • TEMP-UNLOAD-DATACLAS(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the SMS Data Class to use when allocating the temporary unload file. There is no default.
  • TEMP-UNLOAD-MGMTCLAS(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the SMS Management Class to use when allocating the temporary unload file. There is no default.
IMS Cloning Tool creates a permanent unload file for each source database as part of the masking process. The following parameters are used to specify the allocation parameters to use when allocating the permanent unload file.
  • PERM-UNLOAD-HLQ(USERID|xxxxx) - Specifies the high-level qualifier to use to allocate the permanent unload file to create from the IMSDBREFRESH job. This value can be up to 33 bytes. When USERID, the default, is specified, the user ID associated with the job performing the IMSDBREFRESH process is used. IMS Cloning Tool appends ‘database name.P’ to this value to create the data set name for the permanent unload file.
  • PERM-UNLOAD-UNIT(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the UNIT to use when allocating permanent unload file. There is no default.
  • PERM-UNLOAD-VOLUME(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the volume serial to use when allocating permanent unload file. There is no default.
  • PERM-UNLOAD-STORCLAS(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the SMS Storage Class to use when allocating permanent unload file. There is no default.
  • PERM-UNLOAD-DATACLAS(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the SMS Data Class to use when allocating permanent unload file. There is no default.
  • PERM-UNLOAD-MGMTCLAS(xxxxxxxx) - Specifies the SMS Management Class to use when allocating permanent unload file. There is no default.
  • Default: No
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions:
[,DATACLAS( class ) ]
[,MGMTCLAS( class ) ]
[,STORCLAS( class ) ] )

Optional keyword that specifies the program to be used to initiate copies and copy options.

PGM( ADRDSSU ) - (the default) specifies that IMSDBREFRESH command is to initiate FlashCopy or SnapShot under the covers via execution of DSS.

PGM( EMCAPI ) - specifies that IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh is to invoke EMC TimeFinder/Clone to make the copies using the data set snap facility. When IMS Cloning Tool initiates EMC copies using the EMCAPI, most GLOBAL command parameter values use the default EMC value. The following table lists the GLOBAL parameters and the associated default setting used by IMS Cloning Tool for database refreshing.
Table 1. GLOBAL parameter defaults setting by IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh
GLOBAL parameter IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh setting
The following table lists the GLOBAL values that are set during processing using the IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh parameters.
Table 2. GLOBAL values set during processing by IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh
EMC GLOBAL value IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh setting
HOSTCOPYMODE If FUZZY-COPY(N), this parameter value is set to EXCLUSIVE. Otherwise, it is set to SHARED
MAXRC This parameter always uses the IMS Cloning Tool Database Refresh MAX-COPY-RC value.
REPLACE This parameter is set to YES if REPLACE-TARGET-DS(Y). Otherwise, it is set to NO.
TOLERATEENQFAILURE If FUZZY-COPY(N), this parameter is set to NO. Otherwise, it is set to YES.
TYRUN If SIMULATE is specified this value is set to NORUN. Otherwise, it is set to RUN.
ENQWAIT If FUZZY-COPY(N), this parameter is set to YES. Otherwise, it is set to NO.

PGM( NONE ) - specifies that no DATA-MOVER is to be invoked by the IMSDBREFRESH command. NONE infers that data set copies are initiated by the user. When NONE is specified, IMSDBREFRESH still validates necessary IMS database characteristics, stops the source databases if requested, and builds the list of data sets as input to the user copy.

DATACLAS - specifies the SMS DATACLAS to be used for the target data set allocation or reallocation. This keyword is not supported for PGM(NONE) or PGM(ADRDSSU). If this keyword is specified, the DATA-MOVER PGM uses the supplied class for allocating or reallocating the target data sets. If this keyword is not specified, the behavior depends on the DATA-MOVER PGM:
  • EMCAPI uses the SMS defaults.
  • ADRDSSU always allocates or reallocates the target data sets using the DATACLAS of the source data sets.

FASTREP (DSS parameter) - indicates whether fast replication is preferred (PREF), required (REQ), or not required (NONE). PREF is the default.

IMS Cloning Tool sets up the source/target pairs for a fast replication if PREF or REQ is specified. IMS Cloning Tool allows a normal copy if NONE is specified. If the level of ADRDSSU indicates it supports this keyword, the keyword is passed to ADRDSSU.

FCTOPPRCPRIMARY (DSS parameter) - Indicates that a FlashCopy target volume can also be a PPRC primary volume. This applies to ESS devices only. This does not apply when FASTREP(NONE) is also specified. IBM® Remote Pair FlashCopy (also known as Preserve Mirror) can be specified by including one of the optional keywords. Preserve Mirror mirrors the FlashCopy command that is issued at the local site to the remote site. This allows FlashCopy operations to occur to PPRC primary volumes without affecting the PPRC duplex state. IBM Remote Pair FlashCopy must be installed in the storage controller along with the corresponding software support in z/OS®. In addition, both the source and target volumes being PPRC primary volumes and in the same storage controller and their corresponding PPRC secondary volumes being in the same storage controller. Specify one of the following to use this functionality:
  • PRESMIRREQ: Require the use of Preserve Mirror. If a Preserve Mirror operation cannot be accomplished, the FlashCopy operation is not completed.
  • PRESMIRPREF: Prefer the use of Preserve Mirror. If a Preserve Mirror operation cannot be accomplished, the FlashCopy operation is still performed.
  • PRESMIRNONE: Do not use Preserve Mirror.
MGMTCLAS - specifies the SMS MGMTCLAS to be used for the target data set allocation or reallocation. This keyword is not supported for PGM(NONE). If this keyword is specified, the DATA-MOVER PGM uses the supplied class for allocating or reallocating the target data sets. If this keyword is not specified, the behavior depends on the DATA-MOVER PGM:
  • EMCAPI uses the SMS defaults.
  • ADRDSSU uses the MGMTCLAS of the source data sets.

NULLSTORCLAS - This keyword is applicable only for DATA-MOVER PGM(ADRDSSU). If set to Y (the default), a null storage class will be passed to the automatic class selection (ACS) routine when copying data sets. This allows the ACS routine to assign storage classes to the target data sets. If set to N, input to the ACS will be storage class of the source data sets. For more information on this keyword, consult the z/OS DFSMSdss Storage Administration documentation. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the STORCLAS keyword.

STORCLAS - specifies the SMS STORCLAS to be used for the target data set allocation or reallocation. This keyword is not supported for PGM(NONE) and is mutually exclusive with the NULLSTORCLAS(Y) keyword. When this keyword is specified with NULLSTORCLAS(Y), set NULLSTORCLAS to N and use the supplied storage class of this keyword. If this keyword is specified, the DATA-MOVER PGM uses the supplied storage class for allocating or reallocating the target data sets. If this keyword is not specified, the behavior depends on the DATA-MOVER PGM:
  • EMCAPI uses the SMS defaults.
  • ADRDSSU uses storage class of the source data sets when NULLSTORCLAS(N) is specified. ADRDSSU uses the SMS defaults, when NULLSTORCLAS(Y) is specified.
When any of these options are specified, they are used as part of the source to target volume pairing criteria. The specified option is also passed to ADRDSSU as part of the generated copy commands. When FCTOPPRCPRIMARY is not specified or if the capability is not supported by the ESS, a PPRC primary volume is not eligible to become a FlashCopy target volume. For additional information about Preserve Mirror, refer to the documentation for your version of z/OS.
Note: Do not specify the FCTOPPRCPRIMARY keyword with the FASTREP (NONE) keyword.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
The optional DBRC-ACTION keyword indicates the DBRC action to perform on the refreshed target databases. Valid values for the DBRC-ACTION parameter include:
REORG - All database data sets that were refreshed are updated with a NOTIFY.REORG. When REORG is specified, you can optionally include the following additional REORG parameters:
  • ICOFF: Turns off the Image Copy Needed flag in the DBRC after the NOTIFY.REORG command is issued. When the Image Copy Needed flag is turned off, you do not need to make an image copy in order to access the database. ICOFF is the default value if DBRC-ACTION(REORG) is specified.
  • NOICOFF: Does not reset the Image Copy Needed flag in DBRC, and you must image copy the database data set in order to access the database.
  • HALDBREDEFINE: If there are differences in the partition between source and target database, IMS Cloning Tool deletes and redefines the target database rather than issuing a NOTIFY.REORG.
  • NOHALDBREDEFINE: If there are differences in the partition between source and target database, IMS Cloning Tool reports an error during the database compatibility check. Deleting and redefining the target database would be necessary to complete the cloning process, but this parameter prevents IMS Cloning Tool from deleting and redefining automatically. NOHALDBREDEFINE is the default value if DBRC-ACTION(REORG) is specified.
REDEFINE - Issues a LIST.DB command to provide a reference for current DBRC definitions, followed by a DELETE.DB command, an INIT.DB command, and any INIT.DBDS, INIT.PART, and INIT.AREA commands to redefine the target database.
  • Default: REDEFINE
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: If the database that is being refreshed is a HALDB, and the partition numbers are different between the source and the target databases, then REDEFINE is always done for those databases.
DDIN(ddname1, ddname2, ddname3,…)
Optional keyword that specifies input DDnames to ADRDSSU to locate the volsers for non-SMS managed data sets.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
DDOUT(ddname1, ddname2, ddname3,…)
Optional keyword that specifies output DDnames to ADRDSSU to locate the volsers for non-SMS managed data sets.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates whether the source databases should be stopped before replicating them. If used with DATA-MOVER(PGM(ADRDSSU)) it indicates that ADRDSSU should be invoked with TOLERATE(ENQFAILURE). If used with DATA-MOVER(PGM(NONE)) and the PRECOPY keyword, the source database is not stopped. The default value is N.
  • Default: N
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that specifies that the /DBR DB and /START DB commands are issued with the GLOBAL parameter. The GLOBAL keyword is not valid if the ACCESS keyword is specified.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: GLOBAL is not valid if the ACCESS keyword is specified
Optional keyword that indicates the IMSPLEX name for the source and target IMS CSL components. The first parameter that is specified indicates the IMSPLEX name for the source IMS system and the second parameter that is specified indicates the IMSPLEX name for the target IMS system. The IMSPLEX name is used to issue IMS Type-2 commands such as the UPDATE DB QUIESCE.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Required if STOP-COMMAND(QUIESCE) is specified
Optional keyword that indicates whether related indexes should be copied as well. N indicates that only the specified DBDs are copied. Y indicates that related primary or secondary indexes are also started. P indicates that the primary index, if one exists, is also copied but related secondary indexes are not copied. The default value is Y.
  • Default: Y
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates whether IMS Cloning Tool generates a TCP/IP data transfer job during the PRECOPY step. This keyword passes the DD name pairs of the input and output JCL libraries. For more information about this keyword and generating a TCP/IP data transfer job, see Step 2: Set up the source job (GCLSRCJ1).
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if the PRECOPY keyword is specified.
Optional keyword that indicates whether IMS Cloning Tool applies log updates from the source databases to the target databases after copying the source databases. Valid values include:
  • N: IMS Cloning Tool does not apply any logs to the target data set after the data set has been copied.
  • Y: IMS Cloning Tool applies logs to the target databases after copying source databases. After the target data sets have been copied, IMS Cloning Tool reads the archive logs from the source IMS system for the source databases. IMS Cloning Tool then applies these logs to the target data sets until all of the databases that were refreshed in the IMSDBREFRESH job step do not have any uncommitted updates. This leaves all of the target databases in a transactionally-consistent state.

    If log updates were applied to a primary target database, any indexes for the target database that are non-recoverable will be flagged as recovery-needed in DBRC. These indexes must be rebuilt in order to sync them with the primary database.

    Additionally, when Y is specified, you can also include the optional MONITOR parameter to have IMS Cloning Tool output messages every nnn minutes. These messages indicate the amount of log apply activity that has occurred in the previous specified number of minutes. The nnn value can be any numeric value from 0 to 999 and indicates the interval, in minutes, in which IMS Cloning Tool should issue messages displaying log apply activity. If 0 is specified, no messages showing log apply activity are issued. If LOG-APPLY(Y) is specified but the MONITOR parameter is not, then MONITOR(0) will be in effect unless a different value is specified in the LOG_APPLY_MONITOR parameter, located in the DB_COPY_OPTIONS section of GCLINI.

If LOG-APPLY(Y) is specified, all primary source databases must be marked as recoverable in DBRC.

  • Default: No
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if FUZZY-COPY(Y) is specified.
Optional keyword that indicates whether a database should be copied if not all logically related databases are copied in the same command. If LOGICALLY-RELATED(Y) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool only copies a database if all logically related databases are also being copied in the same IMS Cloning Tool command. If LOGICALLY-RELATED(N) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool copies the databases specified even if not all logically related databases may be copied. The default value is Y.
  • Default: Y
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates that IMS Cloning Tool sets PROHIBIT AUTH=ON in the target RECONs for the target databases before starting the data set copy process. This prevents other IMS jobs from authorizing the target databases until the database refresh process has completed. If IMS Cloning Tool sets PROHIBIT AUTH=ON, the flag is reset after the data set copy process is complete. Valid values include Y (prevent IMS jobs from authorizing the target databases until the database refresh process is complete), and N (do not set PROHIBIT AUTH=ON).
Note: The NOAUTH-TARGETS value from the IMSDBREFRESH command overrides this value from the GCLINI member in the SGCLPARM library.
  • Default: N
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None.
Optional keyword that specifies that when stopping databases, the /DBR DB command is issued with the NOFEOV parameter.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates IMS Cloning Tool is to perform pre-copy operations only that includes everything except for the actual copy of the data sets. This keyword is used when IMS Cloning Tool is not used to perform the copy process.
  • Default: None
  • Required: When DATA-MOVER(PGM(NONE)) is specified, you must specify either PRECOPY or POSTCOPY.
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates IMS Cloning Tool is to perform post copy operations only such as start the source database, update the target IMS DBRC, and start the target database. This keyword is used when IMS Cloning Tool was not used to perform the copy process.
  • Default: None
  • Required: When DATA-MOVER(PGM(NONE)) is specified, you must specify either PRECOPY or POSTCOPY.
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that indicates whether IMS Cloning Tool recalls a migrated database data set before the copy process starts. If Y is specified, a migrated database data set will be recalled. The recall does not apply to non-SMS managed database data sets. If N is specified, a migrated database data set will not be recalled. The default value is N.
  • Default: N
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Valid only for SMS-managed database data sets.
Optional keyword that indicates whether to register the target database to DBRC after creating a new database on the target IMS system. When N is specified, the new database is not registered to DBRC. When Y is specified, the new database is registered to DBRC. If Y is specified, the source database must be registered to DBRC. The new data set names and the DBRC definitions are copied from the source database. This keyword does not apply to HALDBs as they will always be registered.
  • Default: No
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if COPY-IF-NO-IMS-TARGET-DB(Y) is specified.
RENAME-MASKS(mask value1, mask value2,...mask value x)
Optional keyword that specifies the source to target masks to apply when defining new database elements for a target database. RENAME-MASKS are specified in oldname and newname pairs. RENAME-MASKS are processed in order and can be applied to DBD names, DD names, and data set names when defining elements for target databases if they do not exit on the target IMS system.

RENAME-MASKS are processed in order. The first occurrence of the source DBD, DD or data set name is the one that is used for the target DBD, DD, or data set name

Note: Whether changing a qualifier to a longer new name qualifier, or using the + feature to add qualifiers, be careful that new names do not exceed 44 characters. Additionally, ensure that rename masks cannot cause two or more old names to rename to the same new name. For more information, see Rename considerations.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Required if COPY-IF-NO-IMS-TARGET-DB(Y) is specified

Oldname syntax:

Use the old name filter mask to select the DBD, DD, or data sets to apply the IMSDBREFRESH new name mask against. The following table lists the allowable filter characters and a description for each character.
Table 3. Filter characters allowed for old name filter masks:
Character Description
* A single asterisk represents exactly one DSN qualifier of any value. For example: *. or .*. or .* . * combined with valid DSN characters or % means 0 to nn characters of any value.
** A double asterisk represents 0 to nn DSN qualifiers of any value. For example: **. or .**. or .** ** cannot appear with any other characters within a qualifier. Three or more adjacent * are not allowed within a qualifier. ** can be used more than once in an 'old name' mask. Example: **.abcd.** or abc.**.defg.**
% A percent sign represents one non-blank character.
! An exclamation point represents one national character. @ # $
< A less-than sign represents one non-numeric character, national symbols included.
> A greater-than sign represents one numeric character.
For example, Filter = **.PAYROLL*.%%%%%23*.DATA would match DSN = TLQ050.PAYROLL.CYCLE23.DATA

Newname syntax:

Use the new name mask to rename the data sets selected by the old name filter mask. The following table lists the allowable filter characters and a description for each character.
Table 4. Filter characters allowed for new name filter masks:
Character Description
* A single asterisk represents exactly one DSN qualifier. * may not be used for a partial qualifier in a ‘new name' mask. Example: aaa.*bb.** would not be valid.
** A double asterisk represents 0 to nn DSN qualifiers. ** cannot appear with any other characters within a qualifier. Three or more adjacent * are not allowed within a qualifier. ** may only be used once in a 'new name' mask. Example: **.abcd.** would not be valid.
% A percent sign represents one non-blank character.
! An exclamation point represents one national character. @ # $
+cccccc A plus sign followed by 1 to 8 characters means ‘insert this new qualifier'.
- A minus sign means ‘remove this qualifier from the new name'.
Optional keyword that indicates whether the target data sets should be overwritten if they exist. If the target data sets do exist, and REPLACE-TARGET-DS(N) is specified, then the copy fails. The default value is Y.
  • Default: Y
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that specifies that the actual IMSDBREFRESH command is formatted and the databases are validated, but no stopping of databases and no copying of data sets occurs.
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None
Optional keyword that specifies up to three source RECON data set names to be used for dynamic allocation. Use the TGT-RECON-DATASETS keyword to specify the target RECON data sets names for dynamic allocation.

When these keywords are specified, RECONs specified in the JCL are ignored. If these keywords are not specified, then the RECON JCL allocations are converted to dynamic allocations.

  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Up to 3 data set names can be specified.
Optional keyword that indicates the IMS command to be used to stop the source databases. When DBR is specified, the DBRECOVER command is used, and all access to the source databases are stopped. When DBD is specified, the DBDUMP command is issued and the full function source databases are put into read-only mode, and a DBRECOVER command is issued for DEDBs. When QUIESCE is specified, an UPDATE DB QUIESCE command is used and IMS only pauses access to the source databases during the copy.
  • Default: DBR
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: The IMSPLEX keyword must also be specified if QUIESCE is specified.
Optional keyword that indicates if IMS Cloning Tool issues a /SWI OLDS command to the source IMS system after refreshing the target data sets and before doing log apply updating.

If SWITCH-OLDS(N) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool issues a /SWI OLDS command before reading the archive log data sets in order to read and apply log updates to the target databases. If SWITCH-OLDS(Y) is specified, IMS Cloning Tool issues a /SWI OLDS command to the source IMS system before reading the archive log data sets.

  • Default: Yes
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if LOG-APPLY(Y) is specified.
TEMPLATE-VARIABLE(variablename1, variablestring1, ... [variablenamen, variablestringn] )
Optional keyword that allows a variable to be set in the template job. The maximum variable name length is 8 characters and the maximum variable length is 44. When making a substitution, the variable cannot be extended beyond column 71. These are straight substitution variables, i.e., no processing is controlled by these values. The variable name must begin with && and the variable string cannot have embedded blanks, an ampersand, or a field terminator (,). For more information about this keyword and generating a TCP/IP data transfer job, see Step 2: Set up the source job (GCLSRCJ1).
  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Required if the JOB-TEMPLATE keyword is specified.
Optional keyword that specifies up to three target RECON data set names to be used for dynamic allocation. Use the SRC-RECON-DATASETS keyword to specify the source RECON data sets names for dynamic allocation.

When these keywords are specified, RECONs specified in the JCL are ignored. If these keywords are not specified, then the RECON JCL allocations are converted to dynamic allocations.

  • Default: None
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Up to 3 data set names can be specified.
This optional keyword indicates how to determine the allocation values to use to allocate the temporary and permanent unload data sets in the data masking process. When DB is specified, the allocation values are based on the amount of currently used space on the source database. A primary and secondary allocation equal to one fourth of the current number of used tracks on the source database is used. When OVERRIDE is specified, the values from UNLOAD-ALLOC-UNIT, UNLOAD-ALLOC-PRIQTY, and UNLOAD-ALLOC-SECQTY are used to allocate the temporary and permanent unload files.
  • Default: DB
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if DATA-MASKING(Y) is specified.
This optional keyword indicates the primary allocation amount to use to allocate the temporary and permanent unload files that are used in the data masking process. Specify a numeric value 1 - 99999.
  • Default: 00020
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if DATA-MASKING(Y) and UNLOAD-ALLOC-PARMS(OVERRIDE) are specified.
This optional keyword indicates the secondary allocation amount to use to allocate the temporary and permanent unload files that are used in the data masking process. Specify a numeric value 0 - 99999.
  • Default: 00050
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if DATA-MASKING(Y) and UNLOAD-ALLOC-PARMS(OVERRIDE) are specified.
This optional keyword indicates the unit of allocation (cylinders, tracks, or records) to use to allocate the temporary and permanent unload files that are used in the data masking process. Specify CYL if the UNLOAD-ALLOC-PRIQTY and UNLOAD-ALLOC-SECQTY values are in cylinders, specify TRK if the values are in tracks, or specify REC if the values are in records.
  • Default: CYL
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: Is only applicable if DATA-MASKING(Y) and UNLOAD-ALLOC-PARMS(OVERRIDE) are specified.
This optional keyword specifies whether the IMSDBREFRESH command should verify that the source database does not have any updaters before refreshing the databases. If any of the databases are currently authorized by an IMS subsystem or batch job for update, IMSDBREFRESH terminates with a return code of rr. This check is only done when IMSDBREFRESH is doing a fuzzy copy of the source databases. The default action is to not check for updaters. The default return code is 8.
  • Default: N,RC(8)
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: This keyword is only applicable if FUZZY-COPY(Y) is specified.
WAIT(nnn | 5 ) [,RC(rr) | 8 ]
Optional keyword that specifies the number of minutes (nnn) the IMSDBREFRESH command should wait to get exclusive access to the database data sets – waiting for databases to be stopped. If the specified time limit expires before the databases are stopped, IMSDBREFRESH terminates with a return code of rr. The default wait time is 5 minutes. The default return code is 8.
  • Default: 8
  • Required: No
  • Restrictions: None


Optional DD that specifies the output data set where IMS Cloning Tool will put the control statements of IMS Index Builder for the target databases that have indexes to be rebuilt. Those control statements will be passed to the IMS Index Builder step for rebuilding target indexes before using the target databases. The specified data set should be LRECL=80, RECFM=FB and DSORG=PO. For each DBD, the control statements for each primary database are built into the specified PDS.

When LOG-APPLY(Y) keyword is specified, IMS Cloning Tool applies log updates to the primary target database after copying the source database. When the primary target database has either a non-recoverable secondary index, or ILDS or Primary Index for a HALDB, IMS log records are not generated from these indexes, so they may be out of sync after IMS Cloning Tool applied log updates to the associated primary target database.

If this DD is omitted, IMS Cloning Tool will not build the IIUIN control statements. GCL34539W message will be printed for the target database or non-recoverable secondary indexes to be rebuilt. GCL34183W and GCL34179E messages will be printed and the indicated HALDB will not be copied when the REORG# in partition data set will be smaller than the REORG# in target RECON.

  • Default: None
  • Required: No
Example: The following example shows the control statements of IMS Index Builder that is built in IMSDBREFRESH command. For detailed description about the generated control statements, see "Required control statements" in the IMS Index Builder User's Guide.
  PROC BLD_ILDS,dbdname
Start of change
Required DD statement when IMS management of ACBs is enabled. This DD specifies IMS RESLIB or USERLIB that contains the IMS Catalog Definition exit routine DFS3CDX0. This library must be APF-authorized. You do not need to specify this DD in an ACBLIB environment. When this DD is not specified, IMS Cloning Tool continues processing in an ACBLIB environment even when IMS management of ACBs is enabled. In this case, no IMS catalog is referenced.
End of change


For completeness and to illustrate where JCL parameters and IMS Cloning Tool control statements must match, the following JCL includes sample IMS Cloning Tool control statements.

The IMSDBREFRESH step JCL is shown in the following example. The numbers that precede the JCL correspond to notes that follow this sample JCL.

1  //S1      EXEC PGM=GCL00010,REGION=8M                                 
4  //GCLPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                               
5  //ssidsACB  DD  DSN=imsa.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR
6  //ssidsMDA  DD  DSN=imsa.MDALIB,DISP=SHR 
7  //ssidsREC1 DD  DSN=imsa.RECON1,DISP=SHR
8  //ssidsREC2 DD  DSN=imsa.RECON2,DISP=SHR                           
9  //ssidsREC3 DD  DSN=imsa.RECON3,DISP=SHR
10  //ssidtACB  DD  DSN=imsb.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR
11  //ssidtMDA  DD  DSN=imsb.MDALIB,DISP=SHR 
12  //ssidtREC1 DD  DSN=imsb.RECON1,DISP=SHR
13  //ssidtREC2 DD  DSN=imsb.RECON2,DISP=SHR
14  //ssidtREC3 DD  DSN=imsb.RECON3,DISP=SHR                           
15  //IMS       DD  DSN=imsb.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR
    //GCLIN    DD  *                        

      IMSDBREFRESH                              -
17      IMS-SSID(imsa,imsb)                     -
18      DBD(dbdname1,dbdname2)                  -
19      DATA-MOVER(PGM(ADRDSSU))                 
  1. Execution of IMS Cloning Tool main program.
  2. The IMS Cloning Tool SGCLLOAD library must be authorized.
  3. DD for GCLINI member of the HLQ?.SGCLPARM library. This member provides variables to the IMS Cloning Tool programs and contains the product security license codes.
  4. DD for GCLPRINT output.
  5. Required DD that specifies the source IMS ACBLIB data sets that contain the DMB control blocks for the databases to be cloned. The ddname is prefixed with the source IMS SSID followed by ACB.
  6. Required DD that specifies the source IMS MDALIB data sets that contain the MDA members for the databases to be cloned. The ddname is prefixed with the source IMS SSID followed by MDA.
  7. Required DD that specifies the source IMS RECON1 data set. The ddname is prefixed with the source IMS SSID followed by ‘REC1'.
  8. Required DD that specifies the source IMS RECON2 data set. The ddname is prefixed with the source IMS SSID followed by ‘REC2'.
  9. Required DD that specifies the source IMS RECON3 data set. The ddname is prefixed with the source IMS SSID followed by ‘REC3'.
  10. Required DD that specifies the target IMS ACBLIB data sets that contain the DMB control blocks for the databases to be cloned. The ddname is prefixed with the target IMS SSID followed by ‘ACB'. This DD maybe omitted if the databases are being cloned within the same IMS subsystem.
  11. Required DD that specifies the target IMS MDALIB data sets that contain the MDA members for the databases to be cloned. The ddname is prefixed with the target IMS SSID followed by ‘MDA'. This DD maybe omitted if the databases are being cloned within the same IMS subsystem.
  12. Required DD that specifies the target IMS RECON1 data set. The ddname is prefixed with the target IMS SSID followed by ‘REC1'. This DD maybe omitted if the databases are being cloned within the same IMS subsystem.
  13. Required DD that specifies the target IMS RECON2 data set. The ddname is prefixed with the target IMS SSID followed by ‘REC2'. This DD maybe omitted if the databases are being cloned within the same IMS subsystem.
  14. Required DD that specifies the target IMS RECON3 data set. The ddname is prefixed with the target IMS SSID followed by ‘REC3'. This DD maybe omitted if the databases are being cloned within the same IMS subsystem.
  15. Required DD that specifies the target IMS DBDLIB data set. This DD is required to invoke DBRC to update the information about the target IMS subsystem.
  16. Optional DD that specifies a JRNLDBRF or JOURNAL data set where IMS Cloning Tool records the target data sets that were successfully refreshed. This data set can then be used as input to the IMSDBCLEAN command in order to delete the target data sets after they are no longer needed.
  17. IMS-SSID parameter specifying that specifies the source and target IMS subsystem names. If the databases are to be cloned within the same IMS subsystem, then only one IMS SSID must be specified.
  18. DBD parameter that lists the DBDs to be cloned.
  19. DATA-MOVER parameter that indicates DFSMSdss is invoked to do the data set replications.