Troubleshooting and support

To isolate and resolve IBM® Record Generator for Java™ V3.0 problems, use the troubleshooting information here.

You can also find information in the Q&A forum for IBM Record Generator for Java V3.0. If you require additional support, contact IBM through the IBM Support Portal.

java.lang.IllegalStateException specTree root is not a StorageSpec
This error indicates that the RecordClassGenerator cannot find the specified storage area in the ADATA input file. Check that the storage area that was specified using the symbol or section parameters exists in the COBOL or assembler source file, and that the ADATA file is not corrupt. If you are running on a distributed platform, make sure that the ADATA file was downloaded in binary format.
Check that the ibmjzos.jar (from the IBM SDK for z/OS Java Technology Edition) and ibm-recgen.jar (from IBM Record Generator for Java V3.0) are specified on the Java CLASSPATH.
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=com/ibm/jzos/fields/Field, offset=6
The version of the ibmjzos.jar that is on your Java CLASSPATH is from a later version of Java than the one you are using. For example, the ibmjzos.jar was taken from Version 8 of IBM SDK for z/OS Java Technology Edition but on a distributed platform, you are using Java 7.
Error while processing an XML file
If you encounter the message ParseError at [row,col]:[2,98], with the explanation "Unexpected element "group" encountered parsing XML. Input file is invalid and cannot be processed.", you are using an XML file as input to the assembler version of RecordClassGenerator that was generated by using the COBOL version of the RecordXMLGenerator.
If you encounter a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException running the RecordClassGenerator, check that you are using the correct language version of the RecordClassGenerator. For example, you might be using an ADATA file from a COBOL copybook as input to the assembler version of the RecordClassGenerator.

troubleshooting.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Sunday, 13 October 2019