Query Conditions

Use the AND, OR and HAVING operators with parentheses to create query conditions.

The AND, OR and HAVING operators are located in the Query Conditions title bar in the Query Builder.

Query Conditions title bar

Select from the Entity List and use the operators to build query conditions as part of your query.

Using AND and OR operators:
  • AND operators have precedence over OR operators.

  • Add an AND operator or an OR operator to the end or middle of the condition list using the add-condition menu or drag-drop the attribute's icon. Select and remove conditions by clicking Delete. Save the query. If the generated SQL query is invalid, the query will not save, and an error message results.

Using parentheses:
  • All conditions are independent. Group conditions together by adding left and right parentheses around the conditions. Use brackets in complicated query conditions.

  • When a condition is selected, pressing the left parenthesis button adds one left parenthesis condition before the first selected condition. Pressing the right parenthesis button will add one right parenthesis condition after the first selected condition. If there is no condition that is selected, pressing the parentheses buttons has no effect.

  • When creating a query condition that uses parentheses, the parentheses appear in the UI BEFORE the operator, but are applied AFTER the operator. For example, a query condition is displayed as, this (AND that OR another). However, the actual logic is, this AND (that OR another).

Escaping backslash (\) characters: To correctly escape a backslash character for use in a query condition, use four backslash characters. For example, to specify domain\user you would enter domain\\\\user.

There are two parts in the condition display panel: one starts with a WHERE condition and another one starts with a HAVING condition.

In the HAVING part, the aggregate field has options: Count, Min, Max, and AVG. The option SUM also applies to certain entities with ID in name (Session ID, Global ID, Full SQL ID, Instance ID). If the HAVING button is not checked, the condition is inserted into the WHERE part with the aggregate field as empty string. If the HAVING button is checked, the condition is inserted into the HAVING part and the aggregate field has options. After adding or removing a condition, the condition option will be updated. Pressing SAVE generates a SQL. The SQL is validated before saving it. If validation failed (for example, syntax error), it generates an alert error message and puts a more detailed error description in the log. If adding a condition at the wrong part, (for example, HAVING button is set, and the attribute icon is dropped on the WHERE part, or vice versa) it generates a not-matched alert message. If the selected condition is in WHERE part, but the HAVING button is set, the adding condition fails because the setting is not matched.

The attributes Total Access, Failed SQLs, and Successful SQLs can be added only under a HAVING clause (not the WHERE clause).

Allowed queries must have one time stamp column and either at least one column with Mode=Count OR the count flag set (or both). The query column to be evaluated by the query must be one of the columns with Mode=Count OR the total access column (if the count flag is set).

Add or Remove a Query Condition

  1. To remove a query condition, mark the check box in the row for that condition, and click the X button (Delete marked item) in the Query Conditions title bar.
  2. To add a condition, create a row in the Query Conditions list for the appropriate field from the Entity List pane.

    To add an AND condition, select the AND radio button in the Query Conditions title bar and do one of the following:

    • Select an entity from the Entity List pane and select Add Condition from the pop-up menu.
    • Drag the field icon from the Entity List pane, and drop it in the Query Conditions pane.

    To add an OR condition, select the OR radio button in the Query Conditions title bar and do one of the following:

    • Drag the field icon from the Entity List pane, and release it to the start of the condition for which it is an OR condition.
    • Mark the check box for the condition to which you want to add the OR condition, click the field in the Entity List pane, and then select Add Condition from the pop-up menu.

  3. Optional: Use the Aggregate drop-down to select an aggregate of the attribute to be used for the query condition: Count, Min (minimum value), Max (maximum value), or AVG (average value). Restrictions apply, as follows:
    • You cannot use an aggregate in an OR condition.
    • You cannot add an OR condition to one that contains an aggregate.
  4. Select the operator for the new condition from the list. Not every attribute type has the same set of operators available. For example, attributes that cannot be associated with groups will not have any of the group options (IN GROUP, LIKE GROUP). However, when adding tuples (multiple attributes that are combined together to form a single group) as a condition of a query, all operators for new condition are available for selection.
    Table 1. Operator for New Condition
    Operator Description
    < Less than
    < = Less than or equal to
    < > Not equal to
    = Equal to
    > Greater than
    > = Greater than or equal to
    CATEGORIZED AS Member of a group belonging to the category selected from the drop-down list, which appears when a group operator is selected.
    CLASSIFIED AS Member of a group belonging to the classification selected from the drop-down list, which appears when a group operator is selected.
    IN DYNAMIC GROUP Member of a group that is selected from the drop-down list in the runtime parameter column, which appears when a group operator is selected.
    IN GROUP Member of the group that is selected from the drop-down list in the runtime parameter column, which appears when a group operator is selected. IN GROUP or IN ALIASES GROUP cannot both be used at the same time.
    IN DYNAMIC ALIASES GROUP The operator works on a group of the same type as IN DYNAMIC GROUP, however assumes the members of that group are aliases.
    IN ALIASES GROUP The operator works on a group of the same type as IN GROUP, however assumes the members of that group are aliases. Note that the IN GROUP/IN ALIASES GROUP operators expect the group to contain actual values or aliases respectively. An alias provides a synonym that substitutes for a stored value of a specific attribute type. It is commonly used to display a meaningful or user-friendly name for a data value. For example, Financial Server might be defined as an alias for IP address
    IS NOT NULL Attribute value exists, but might be blank or unprintable
    IS NULL Empty attribute
    IN PERIOD For a time stamp only, is within the selected time period
    LIKE GROUP Matches a like value that is specified in the boxes. A like value uses the percent sign as a wildcard character, and matches all or part of the value. Alphabetic characters are not case-sensitive. For example, %tea% would match tea, TeA, tEam, steam. If no percent signs are included, the comparison operation is an equality operation (=).
    NOT IN DYNAMIC GROUP Not equal to any member of a group, which is selected from the drop-down list in the runtime parameter column, which appears when a group operator is selected.
    NOT IN DYNAMIC ALIASES GROUP The operator works on a group of the same type as NOT IN DYNAMIC GROUP, however assumes the members of that group are aliases.
    NOT IN GROUP Not equal to any member of the specified group, which is selected from the drop-down list in the runtime parameter column, which appears when a group operator is selected.
    NOT IN ALIASES GROUP The operator works on a group of the same type as NOT IN GROUP, however assumes the members of that group are aliases.
    NOT IN PERIOD For a time stamp only, not within the selected time period
    NOT LIKE Not like the specified value (see the description of LIKE)
    NOT LIKE GROUP Not like the value that is specified in LIKE GROUP
    NOT REGEXP Not matched by the specified regular expression
    REGEXP Matched by the specified regular expression For detailed information about how to use regular expressions, see Regular Expressions.
    Note: There are four special words that are not allowed as the name of a parameter: user; group; role; page.

    An error results if an attempt is made to save a query with any of these words in the parameter. There are two types of conditions where this applies:

    • When creating a query condition with an operator such as =, <, LIKE, etc, and then selecting Parameter. This field does not allow the special words.
    • When creating a query condition with a DYNAMIC GROUP type operator (IN, NOT IN, IN ALIAS, etc), this field does not allow the special words.
  5. For a group operator, select a group from the list.

    For most other operators, you must supply a value for the condition, or indicate that a runtime parameter value (not containing exclamation points) is supplied later (when the query is run). In these cases, a drop-down with three options appears. Do one of the following:

    • Select Value and enter an exact value in the box.
    • Select Parameter and enter a name for the runtime parameter (the name must not contain spaces).
    • Select Attribute and select another attribute to match the selected one (for example, this can be used to test for local traffic by matching the client and server IP addresses).

    There is an Add Expression icon next to the Value, Parameter, Attribute selections. Use this icon to enter query conditions, including user-defined string and mathematical expressions.

    Use this feature where the user needs to add a condition that is based not on the entire content of the attribute as is, but on part of the attribute, a function of the attribute, or a function that combines more than one attribute.

    An example is: INSTR(:attribute, '150.1') = 5, which returns all instances of Client IP matching the 5 characters listed. Type the character 5 in the entry box next to the Add Expression icon. Type the INSTR(:attribute, '150.1') expression in the separate Build Expression window. Test the validity of the expression in the Build Expression window. Another example is: LENGTH(:attribute) >= 40, which returns the length of any SQL statement greater than 40 characters. The expression might or might not contain references to the actual attribute and can also contain references to other attributes.

  6. When you are done adding all conditions, remember to save the definition.

Build Expression on Query condition

There is an Add Expression icon next to the Value, Parameter, Attribute selections. Use this icon to enter query conditions, including user-defined string and mathematical expressions.

Use this feature where the user needs to add a condition that is based not on the entire content of the attribute as is, but on part of the attribute, a function of the attribute, or a function that combines more than one attribute.

An example:

Return the location of the string 150.1, from the value 192.150.1.x., where the string 150.1 is at the fifth character of the value. The string 150.1 represents all instances of Client IP matching the 5 characters listed.

When the function is run in the Expression field, it returns a value, and that value should be in the entry box.

Use the function, INSTR(:attribute, '150.1') with a "5" value in the entry box next to the Add Expression icon to return the records with 150.1 in the fifth location.

If the function is INSTR(:attribute, '150.1') = 5, then it becomes a Boolean phrase, and the only values in the entry box are 0 or 1.

Type the INSTR(:attribute, '150.1') expression in the separate Build Expression window.

Test the validity of the expression in the Build Expression window.

Another example: LENGTH(:attribute) >= 40, which returns the length of any SQL statement greater than 40 characters. The expression might or might not contain references to the actual attribute and can also contain references to other attributes.