Importing Users from LDAP

You can import Guardium® user definitions from an LDAP server by configuring an import operation to obtain the appropriate set of users.

You can run the import operation on demand, or schedule it to run on a periodic basis. You can elect to have only new users imported, or you can have existing user definitions replaced. In either case, LDAP groups can be imported as Guardium roles.

When importing LDAP users:


Special characters in a user name is not supported.

When adding a user manually via Access Management (either from Add User or LDAP user import), if there is no first name and/or last name, the login name will be used.

This LDAP configuration menu screen has tool tips for certain menu choices. Move the cursor over a menu choice (such as Object Class for user), and a short description will appear.

Guardium CLI users can not authenticate in the LDAP environment, as there is no privilege separation for the CLI users.

Configure LDAP User Import

The attribute that will be used to identify users is defined by the Guardium administrator, in the User RDN Type box of the LDAP Authentication Configuration panel. See Configure LDAP Authentication for further information. The default is uid, but you should consult with your Guardium administrator to determine what value is being used. If a user is using SamAccountName as the RDN value, the user must use either a =search or =[domain name] in the full name. Examples: SamAccountName=search, SamAccountName=dom

Note: In order to configure LDAP user import, accessmgr user must have the privilege to run Group Builder. In certain situations, when changes are made to the role privilege, accessmgr's privilege to Group Builder can be taken away. This results in an inability to save or run successfully LDAP user import. Go to the access management portal, select Role Permissions from the choices. Choose the Group Builder application and make sure that there is a checkmark in the all roles box or a checkmark in the accessmgr box.
  1. Open the LDAP User Import panel by clicking Access > Access Management > LDAP User Import.

    See Example of Tivoli® LDAP Configuration at the end of this help topic for reference in filling out the required information.

  2. For LDAP Host Name, enter the IP address or host name for the LDAP server to be accessed.
  3. For Port, enter the port number for connecting to the LDAP server.
  4. Select the LDAP server type from the Server Type menu.
  5. Check the Use SSL Connection check box if Guardium is to connect to your LDAP server using an SSL (secure socket layer) connection.
  6. For Base DN, specify the node in the tree at which to begin the search. For example, a company tree might begin like: DC=encore,DC=corp,DC=root
  7. For Attribute to Import, enter the attribute that will be used to import users (for example: cn). Each attribute has a name and belongs to an objectClass.
  8. Check the Clear existing group members before importing check box if you want to delete all existing group members before importing.
  9. For Log In As and Password, enter the user account information that will connect to the Guardium server.
  10. For Search Filter Scope, select One-Level to apply the search to the base level only, or select Sub-Tree to apply the search to levels beneath the base level.
  11. For Limit, enter the maximum number of items to be returned. We recommend that you use this field to test new queries or modifications to existing queries, so that you do not inadvertently load an excessive number of members.
  12. Optional: For Search Filter, define a base DN, scope, and search filter. Typically, imports will be based on membership in an LDAP group, so you would use the memberOF keyword. For example: memberOf=CN=syyTestGroup,DC=encore,DC=corp,DC=root
  13. Click Apply to save the configuration settings.
    Note: The Status indicator in the Configuration - General section will change to LDAP import currently set up for this group as follows and the Modify Schedule and Run Once Now buttons will be enabled. You can now import from your LDAP server.

Schedule LDAP User Import

If LDAP Import has not yet been configured, you must perform Configure LDAP User Import before performing this procedure.

  1. Open the LDAP User Import panel by clicking Access > Access Management > LDAP User Import.

Run LDAP User Import

When you run LDAP user import on demand, you have the opportunity to accept or reject each of the users returned by the query. This is especially useful for testing purposes. If LDAP Import has not yet been configured, you must perform Configure LDAP User Import before performing this procedure.

  1. Open the LDAP User Import panel by clicking Access > Access Management > LDAP User Import.
  2. Click Run Once Now. After the task completes, the set of members satisfying your selection criteria will be displayed in the LDAP Query Results panel.
  3. In the LDAP Query Results panel, mark the check box for each user you want added, and click Import (or click Cancel to return without importing any users).
  4. To view the added users, open the User Browser by clicking Access > Access Management > User Browser. Verify that the correct user accounts have been added.

Example of Tivoli LDAP Configuration

Table 1. Example of Tivoli LDAP Configuration
LDAP Host Name Values



Server Type

Tivoli Directory

Use SSL connection


Base DN

cn=sample realm,o=sample

Import Mode

Choose Override existing attributes

Disable user if not on import list


Enable new Imported Users


Log in as




Search filter scope




Attribute to Import as User Login

cn (Configurable through Portal)

Search filter


Object Class for User

Fill with Default Value - |(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(objectClass=person)

Import Roles

Add a Checkmark

Attribute to Import as Role


Role Search Base DB

Fill with Default Value - cn=sample realm,0=sample

Role filter


Object Class for Role

Fill with Default Value - |(objectClass=groupOfNames)(objectClass=group)(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)

Attribute in User to Associate Role

Fill with Default Value - memberOf

Attribute in Role to Associate User

Fill with Default Value - member