Migrating from v10 to v10 on a different form factor

Migrate an API Connect v10 deployment from one form factor to a different form factor.

If you want to move your API Connect deployment to a different platform or network environment, use the form factor migration process.

For brevity, form factor migration is referred to as just migration in the rest of this topic.

The typical use cases for the migration process are:
  • Moving your API Connect deployment from one platform to another, without changing anything else. For example, if you originally deployed on Kubernetes, but want to move to OpenShift.
  • Changing the endpoints of your API Connect deployment. For example, the consumer API or portal web endpoint. It is not possible to update your API Connect endpoints after installation. Also, if you want to move your API Connect deployment to a different network, it is likely that the move requires changing the API Connect endpoints.
  • Combination of moving to a different platform and changing endpoints.
You do not need to use the migration process for:
Key points and limitations of form factor migration:
  • The API Connect version on the target system must match the API Connect version on the source system.
  • The migration process applies only to the management and portal subsystems. The analytics and gateway subsystems do not require migration steps. The gateway receives its data from the management subsystem, and analytics database backups can be restored directly on the new deployment.
The supported migration paths are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Supported migration paths for API Connect v10
Source deployment platform of API Connect v10 Target deployment platform
Kubernetes Cloud Pak for Integration..
Kubernetes OpenShift Container Platform.
Kubernetes Kubernetes.
VMware Cloud Pak for Integration.
VMware OpenShift Container Platform.
VMware VMware. From V10.0.7.0 and later.
OpenShift Container Platform Cloud Pak for Integration, keeping the same endpoints.
OpenShift Container Platform Cloud Pak for Integration, moving to a different cluster, resulting in endpoint changes.
OpenShift Container Platform OpenShift Container Platform, moving to a different cluster, resulting in endpoint changes.
Cloud Pak for Integration Cloud Pak for Integration, moving to a different cluster, resulting in endpoint changes.