Setting the visibility for OAuth providers

The visibility setting determines which provider organizations can use an OAuth provider to secure APIs.

About this task

One of the following roles is required to configure OAuth Providers:

  • Administrator
  • Owner
  • Topology Administrator
  • Custom role with the Settings:Manage permissions


Follow these steps to set the visibility for the OAuth providers in your on-premises cloud:

  1. In the Cloud Manager, click ResourcesResources.
  2. Select OAuth Providers.
  3. Choose Edit visibility from the actions menu next to the name of the OAuth provider that requires a visibility setting.
  4. Select the visibility setting for the OAuth provider. The options are:
    • Private - the OAuth provider is not visible and cannot be used by any provider organization. It is accessible only to the admin organization in Cloud Manager.
    • Public - the OAuth provider is visible and can be used by all provider organizations
    • Custom - the OAuth provider is visible only to the provider organizations that you designate
  5. For Custom visibility, select the provider organizations that you want to have access to the OAuth provider.
  6. Click Save to complete the operation.


For Private, the OAuth provider is not visible and cannot be used by any provider organizations. For Public, the OAuth provider is visible and can be used by all provider organizations. For Custom, the OAuth provider is visible only to the provider organizations designated by you.