Upgrade requirements and limitations

Review the requirements and limitations before upgrading your API Connect v2018 deployment.

Supported versions

Table 1. Supported versions
v2018 to v10 upgrade Supported versions
Source version: v2018.4.1.15
Target version: v10.0.1.2-ifix2

Required order for subsystem upgrade

Important: Before starting your upgrade, review the V2018.4.1.15 Announcement for important upgrade information.

Subsystems must be upgraded in the following order:

  1. Management subsystem
  2. Developer Portal subsystem
  3. Analytics subsystem
  4. Gateway subsystem

Data that is not migrated from v2018 to v10

  • Any data that expires after a fixed time, such as access tokens and refresh tokens.
  • Invitations for creating provider org, catalog, space and consumer org as they have expiration time set.
  • Member invitations created in an admin org, provider org, catalog or space as they have expiration time set.
  • Data from oauth_state, job and activation tables.

Note that data that can expire is not migrated regardless of whether it is expired or not.


  • When a 2018 installation has multiple similar subsystems in a single namespace, you cannot upgrade them into a single v10 namespace. For example, two v2018 portal clusters in the same namespace comes under this limitation. The same limitation applies to the analytics subsystem.
  • Certificates

    Certificates for public facing ingress definitions are copied across as part of each subsystems upgrade. Internal certificates are not copied. It is not possible to specify custom certificates in the upgrade CRs. Instead, cert-manager is used to automatically generate the internal certificates in the v10 subsystem clusters. You cannot modify a v10 subsystem to switch to using custom internal certificates post upgrade.