Viewing reports after a run

Reports are generated and displayed automatically after a run. Each test result begins with the name of the schedule or test, and ends with the timestamp of the run in brackets.

About this task

In version 8.5.1 or later, for a service test report, you can choose not to generate a report automatically after a run by clicking Window > Preferences > Test > Performance Test Reports > Service Test Reports and clearing the Functional Test Report generation after Test execution.


  1. In the Test Navigator, expand the project until you locate the run.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • To view the default report, double-click the run. To change the default report, Open the Default Report Preferences page. Click Window > Preferences > Test > Performance Test Reports > Default Report
    • To view another report, right-click the test run, click Display Report, and then select the report to display.
      Note: You can also view reports remotely from a web browser. For information about viewing reports remotely, see Accessing reports remotely.
