Generate the Optim data privacy license files

Use the following procedure to generate the data privacy license files.

To execute certain data privacy functions such as UDFs, you must first license them. You can generate the data privacy license files with the license file generation program distributed with the software.

The following steps describe how to use the license file generation program, assuming you have the appropriate license key.

  1. From a command window, change directory to the bin directory in the installation location. The bin directory contains the license file generation executable, ODPPLicp.
  2. Run ODPPLicp, using the following parameters. Enter the case-sensitive command and parameters all on one line, separated by spaces.
    ODPPLicp optdist id=company ID name=company name licpath=license path key=license key
    • optdist indicates that the license key belongs to the Optimâ„¢ solution (required).
    • id identifies the company ID for the license key (required).
    • name identifies the company name for the license key (if the name includes blanks, enclose the name in double quotes " ") (optional).
    • licpath identifies the full path to the license directory you created during installation (optional). The default location is the current working directory.
    • key specifies the 30-character license key, including hyphens (required).
  3. When this command runs successfully, ODPPKEYF.OPT and ODPPLICF.OPT appear in the license directory you defined in the installation or the current working directory.