Directory Explorer

Use the Directory Explorer to connect to an Optim™ directory as well as define data store aliases, access definitions, data management services, and other objects stored in the directory. You can use the explorer to upgrade Optim directory objects from a previous version of Optim.

Use the Solution list to limit the display of Directory Explorer objects to a specific InfoSphere Optim solution or all solutions.

When Optim Designer is connected to an Optim directory, the Directory Explorer includes the following objects:

Data Store Aliases
A data store alias is a user-defined object associated with a database. When you define a data store alias, you provide parameters that Optim uses to communicate with that database. These parameters include the type and version of the database management system (DBMS) and the properties for both a client connection and a JDBC connection.

A data store alias name serves as a high-level qualifier that allows you to access a specific database to perform requested functions. For example, in an access definition, you must qualify the name of a table with a data store alias name. The referenced data store alias supplies the parameters needed to connect to the database in which the table resides.

Optim Primary Keys
A primary key is the column or columns that contain values that uniquely identify each row in a table. A database table must have a primary key for Optim to insert, update, restore, or delete data from a database table. Optim uses primary keys that are defined to the database. However, you can also define Optim primary keys to supplement the primary keys in the database.
Optim Relationships
Optim uses relationships to determine the data to be retrieved from related tables and relies upon relationships defined to the database, when available. However, you can also define Optim relationships to supplement relationships in the database.
Use the Compare utility to compare data from one set of source tables with data from another. You can define a compare request that is stored in the Optim directory and save the results of a comparison in a compare file.
Column Map Procedures
A column map procedure is a procedure that is used to mask or transform the data in a column when you run a service. As the name indicates, you must add column map procedures to a column map. You can write column map procedures by using the Lua scripting language.
Archive Files
An archive file contains the selected, relationally intact data described in the access definition and the object definitions needed to re-create the database, if necessary. Archive directory entries provide general information about each archive file and any archive indexes for the file.
File Access Definitions
File access definitions are the basis of archive file security. Use a file access definition (FAD) to control access to data in specified tables and columns. To apply a FAD to an archive file, use the Archive Request Editor.
Storage Profiles
Use storage profile to provide rules for creating a copy of the archive file, copying the archive file to a backup device, or implementing a retention policy for the archive file.
Access Control Domain
An access control domain (ACD) is a security definition that serves as the foundation for all levels of Optim security, such as archive file security.
Access Definitions
Use access definitions to specify the tables, relationship traversal, and selection criteria for the data you want to process.
Column Maps
A column map provides specifications needed to match or exclude columns from processing in a data management service. Convert, insert, and load services must reference a table map, which may reference one or more column maps. You can use a column map to define data transformations with privacy policies or column map procedures.
Table Maps
Use a table map to define specifications for correlating source and destination tables of compatible data. You can map tables that have different names, modify table names, exclude tables from a process, or include column maps for greater control over the data.
Use a data management service to archive, delete, restore, extract, convert, insert, or load data. A service uses access definitions to define the data to archive and extract. A service also uses table maps and column maps to map source and target data in insert and load processing. You can mask data by applying a data privacy policy to an entity processed by a service. Use Optim Manager in embedded mode to test services.

The Services node includes process requests created in an Optim directory.


A Directory Explorer folder contains services, access definitions, column maps, and table maps. Use the folders to organize these objects.

The explorer displays a folder for each creator ID associated with an object in an Optim directory.

The following definitions are available.

Icon Definition
access definition icon access definition
archive request icon archive request
column icon column
column map icon column map
convert request icon convert request
creator ID icon creator ID
DB alias icon DB alias
delete request icon delete request
extract request icon extract request
insert request icon insert request
load request icon load request
primary key icon primary key
relationship icon relationship
restore request icon restore request
table icon table
table map icon table map
variable icon variable