Uninstalling IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack in silent mode

You can uninstall IBM® Integration Bus Healthcare Pack by using silent mode.

Before you start:
Before you begin, complete the following tasks:
  • Close IBM Integration Toolkit and IBM Integration Explorer.
  • Stop all integration nodes.
  • Windows
platformOn Windows, ensure that you have administrator privileges.
  • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux and UNIX, ensure that you have both root administrator privileges and write permissions to the installation directory.
  • Ensure that all open files and applications are saved because the silent uninstaller might reboot your machine after uninstalling IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack.

To uninstall IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack in silent mode, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the HealthcarePack directory. By default, the directory is in the following location:
    • Windows
platformOn Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\HealthcarePack
    • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux and UNIX: /opt/IBM/HealthcarePack
  2. Start the uninstaller. If you run the silent uninstall command directly from a command console, the uninstall wizard completes the uninstallation as a background task. If you run the silent uninstall command as part of a batch file or script, additional commands run in the batch file or script after the uninstall finishes.
    • Windows
platformOn Windows, run the following command:
      version\Uninstall_Healthcare_Pack\Uninstall_Healthcare_Pack.exe -i silent
    • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux and UNIX, run the following command:
      ./version/Uninstall_Healthcare_Pack/Uninstall_Healthcare_Pack -i silent
    where version is the version of IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack. The uninstaller uninstalls IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack.
IBM Integration Bus Healthcare Pack is uninstalled.
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Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2014Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2014.

        Last updated
        Last updated : 2015-12-07 16:17:38

Task topicTask topic | Version | ha02040