Setting up the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Connectivity sample

Configure the IBM Integration Bus connection to CICS Transaction Server for z/OS by using the CICSConnection configurable service, and set up FILEA on your target CICS region to set up the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Connectivity sample.

Before you import and deploy the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Connectivity sample, you must configure the IBM Integration Bus connection to CICS by using the CICSConnection configurable service:

Before you run the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Connectivity sample, you must set up FILEA on your target CICS region:

Configure IBM Integration Bus to connect to your CICS region

The following steps describe the minimum configuration that is required to import and deploy the sample:

  1. If you need a login to connect to your CICS region, set up a security identity by using the mqsisetdbparms command; for example:
    mqsisetdbparms IB9NODE -n cics::<ID name> -u <username> -p <password> 
  2. Create a CICSConnection configurable service called CICSSampleConnectionService by using the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command or by using the IBM Integration Explorer:

You can now import and deploy the sample. For more information, see CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Connectivity sample.

When you have imported the sample, you might see the following warning messages on the CICS Connectivity Message Flows project and CICSConnectivity.esql file:

Unresolvable message field reference ""
Unresolvable message field reference ""

You can ignore these messages because the data folder is not contained in the XML Schema.

Set up FILEA on your CICS region

Complete the following steps to set up FILEA on your target CICS region:

  1. Create the FILEA Key Sequenced Dataset (KSDS) file.

    When a CICS region is initially defined, the FILEA sample datasets are created as part of the installation process and can be found at mydsindex.myCICSregion.FILEA. If this dataset is unavailable, use the following Job Control Language (JCL) script to re-create the dataset:

    //HCREFILA JOB … card details … 
    //CREFILEA EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=6144K                      
    //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A                                       
    //AMSDUMP  DD SYSOUT=A                                       
    //SYSIN    DD *                                              
      DEFINE CLUSTER (                         -                 
                    NAME( hlq4filea.FILEA ) -         
                    CYL(2,1)                   -                 
                    VOLUME(SYSDAV)          -                    
                    KEYS( 6  1 )               -                 
                    INDEXED                    -                 
                    RECORDSIZE( 80  80 )     -                   
                    FREESPACE( 5 5 )           -                 
                    SHAREOPTIONS( 2 )          -                 
                    )                          -                 
      INDEX         (                          -                 
                    NAME( hlq4filea.FILEA.INDEX ) -   
                    )                          -                 
      DATA          (                          -                 
                    NAME( hlq4filea.FILEA.DATA ) -    
    //HINIFILA JOB … card details …
    //* ====================                                        
    //* LOAD VSAM DATA FILE                                         
    //* ====================                                        
    //INIFILEA EXEC PGM=DFH£LDSP                                    
    //STEPLIB  DD DSN=hlq4cics.SDFHLOAD,DISP=SHR              
    //FILEA    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq4filea.FILEA           
    //SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                          
  2. Create a FILE resource definition that references the FILEA KSDS file.

    Define a FILE resource by using the CICS supplied CEDA transaction. The resource can be based on the CSD command sample FILEA definition in group DFH£FILA, and must reference the dataset that is defined in the previous step.

  3. Install the CICS program, DFH$AXCS.

    The CICS supplied sample program, DFH$AXCS, can be installed by using the following command:


You can now run the CICS Transaction for z/OS Connectivity sample, see Running the CICS Transaction for z/OS Connectivity sample.

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