Filtering the records retrieved through a LoopBack connector

Use the filter element in the LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter environment variable to restrict the content of records that are retrieved from the LoopBack® application.

About this task

You can restrict the content of records that are returned by using the LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter environment variable to specify a filter with a where, limit, or skip clause. You can also specify a filter with an order clause, and the records are returned in the specified order. The returned records appear as a JSON array or a JSON object in the location that is specified by the Output data location property of the LoopBackRequest node. By default, records are returned with all fields populated; however, you can use a filter with a field clause to restrict the data returned by explicitly selecting or excluding fields.

This topic includes examples of how to set the values by using ESQL; however, you can also set them by using a transformation node such as a Mapping node. To access the LocalEnvironment from a Mapping node, see Customizing a message map to include a message assembly component.

The LocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter environment variable enables you to specify filter clauses, using child elements of the filter element:
     where <value>
     limit <value>
     skip <value>
     order (1..n)
     field (1..n)
You can specify the child elements of the filter element to restrict the content of the records that are retrieved. The available elements are shown in the following table:
Table 1. Elements used for filtering the content of records retrieved from a backend data source
Element Type Description
where string A condition expression used to filter the set of returned records.
limit positive integer Imposes a maximum number of records in the returned set.
skip positive integer Removes the first n records from the returned set, before returning the number of results up to the specified limit.
order structure One child, the name of which must match the name of a field of the record. The value is either ASC or DESC (case-sensitive) and is used to order the returned set. You can specify multiple order clauses, which are applied in the order in which they appear in the filter tree.
field structure One child, the name of which must match the name of a field of the record. The value can be either true or false (or 1 or 0), and controls whether the field is included as part of each returned record. You can specify multiple field clauses.


The following examples show some of the query filtering options that you can use with the LoopBackRequest node.
Note: The filtering options that are available to you depend on the capabilities of the specific LoopBack connector that you are using. The precise syntax and outcome of the filter also depend on the type and version of the installed LoopBack connector.
Get documents from MongoDB, where price is >= 325 and phone begins with 08:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.where = '{"and": [{"price": {"gte":325}},
 {"phone": {"regexp": "^08"}}]}';
Get all records in descending totalEmployees order and ascending companyName order, retrieving only the companyName field and explicitly excluding the totalEmployees field:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.order[1].totalEmployees = 'DESC';
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.order[2].companyName = 'ASC';
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.field[1].companyName = true;
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.field[2].totalEmployees = false;
  • When using a field clause that explicitly selects the set of fields to be returned, some connectors continue to return the id field unless it is explicitly excluded.
  • When you use a model in conjunction with a filter and a field clause that explicitly selects the set of fields to be returned, some connectors return a null value for all field values that are not explicitly selected or excluded.

When using a Mapping node to achieve this, you can create the required fields by adding a user-defined element. For more information, see Adding a user-defined element.

Query by id, where the model defines the identity field as companyId. In this case, the companyId value is space-padded to match the length of a fixed-length character column in the backend database:
SET = '500  '; 
Query by externalId and externalIdName using companyId. In this case, the companyId value is space-padded to match the length of a fixed-length character column in the backend database:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.externalId = '100  ';			
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.externalIdName = 'companyId';
Query using companyId in a filter.where clause. In this case, the companyId value is space-padded to match the length of a fixed-length character column in the backend database:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.where = '{"companyId":"400  "}';
Query using totalEmployees >= 325 in a filter.where clause. Get two records and skip over the first one:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.where = '{"totalEmployees": {"gte":325}}';
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.limit = 2;		
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.skip = 1;	
Query using totalEmployees <= 430 and companyName begins with B:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filter.where = '{"and": [{"totalEmployees": {"lte":430}},
 {"companyName": {"like": "B%"}}]}';
Query using filterString, where totalEmployees is <= 430 and companyName does not begin with B. Get only one record (limit=1) and ignore the first one (skip=1):
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filterString = '{"where": {"and": [{"totalEmployees": 
 {"lte":430}}, {"companyName": {"nlike": "B%"}}]}, "limit":1, "skip":1}';
Query using filterString where totalEmployees is <= 430 and companyName does not begin with B. Get the records in ascending companyName order and then descending totalEmployees order. Request the companyName field and explicitly exclude the totalEmployees field:
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.Loopback.Request.filterString = '{"where": {"and": [{"totalEmployees": {"lte":430}},
 {"companyName": {"nlike": "B%"}}]}, "order": ["companyName ASC", "totalEmployees DESC"], "fields": {"companyName": true,
 "totalEmployees": false}}';