Resource statistics data: MQTT

Learn about the data that is returned for the MQTT resource type when you activate resource statistics collection.

You can view these statistics in the web user interface, or you can write a program that subscribes to a publication (single XML message) that returns this data. For an example of the publication message, see Example XML output.

Statistics are reported for each MQTT server to which a connection exists.

The following table describes the measurements that are returned.
Measurements Description
OpenConnections The current number of open connections to an MQTT server.
ClosedConnections The total number of connections to an MQTT server that were closed since the last integration server restart.
MessagesReceived The total number of MQTT messages received by MQTTSubscribe nodes.
MessagesSent The total number of MQTT messages sent by MQTTPublish nodes.
BytesReceived The total amount of data received by MQTTSubscribe nodes.
BytesSent The total amount of data sent by MQTTPublish nodes.
FailedConnections The total number of attempted connections to an MQTT server that have failed since the last integration server restart.