Monitoring the global cache

You can use the mqsicacheadmin command, resource statistics, and the activity log to monitor the global cache. You can use resource statistics and the activity log to monitor external grids.

About this task

The following tools provide information about the global cache and how it is performing.
mqsicacheadmin command
The mqsicacheadmin command provides information about the global cache that is embedded in an integration node. For example, you can find out the size of a map and list the hosts that are participating in the cache. You can also use this command to clear data from a map. See Running the mqsicacheadmin command.
Activity log
Activity logs provide a high-level overview of how IBM® Integration Bus interacts with external resources, therefore helping you to understand what your message flows are doing. See Viewing Activity Logs for message flows.
Resource statistics
Resource statistics are collected by an integration node to record performance and operating details of resources that are used by integration servers. See Managing resource statistics collection.

Running the mqsicacheadmin command

About this task

To use the command to find information about the global cache that is embedded in an integration node, complete the following steps.


  1. Before you run the mqsicacheadmin command, ensure that the integration node is running and that the global cache is available.

    The cache is disabled by default. To use the cache, select an integration node level cache policy (see Configuring the embedded global cache).

  2. Run the mqsicacheadmin command, specifying the appropriate parameters, as described in mqsicacheadmin command. Use the -c parameter to run a WebSphere® eXtreme Scale command.
    For example, to list all container servers and their shards in the embedded cache, run the WebSphere eXtreme Scale command, showPlacement:
    mqsicacheadmin myBroker -c showPlacement

    To clear all data from the map called myMap in the integration node myBroker, run the following command:
    mqsicacheadmin myBroker -c clearGrid -m myMap
    The data is cleared immediately; you do not need to restart the integration node for this action to take effect.

    You do not have to specify an integration node name with this command. For example, use the -cep parameter to connect to a catalog server and show the routing table for each WebSphere eXtreme Scale shard:
    mqsicacheadmin -cep -c routetable
  3. Examine the output and usage information that is returned by the command.