Reporting resource statistics to files

You can arrange for resource statistics to be written directly to files in the file system.

Before you begin

Ensure that statistics gathering is enabled by using the mqsichangeresourcestats command.

About this task

If you enable this option, each resource manager writes a separate file that contains its resource statistics. Limits apply to the size of each file and if the limit for a file is reached, a new file is created. Limits also apply to the number of files that can be written for each resource manager and if the limit for the number of files for the resource manager is reached, the resource manager then writes to a previous file in a circular fashion.

By default, the resource statistics files are written to the MQSI_WORKPATH/common/resourceStats directory. The names of the files that are written by the resource managers are of the form ResourceStats_IntegrationNodeName_IntegrationServerName_ResourceManagerName.txt


Enable the writing of resource statistics to files by using the mqsichangeproperties as follows:
mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmResourceStatsManager -n fileReporting -v active


You can view the resource statistics by accessing the files that each resource manager has written in the MQSI_WORKPATH/common/resourceStats directory. The files are in .csv format. An example of resource statistics data follows:
BrokerName,BrokerUUID,ExecutionGroupLabel,ExecutionGroupUUID,CollectionTimestamp,StartTimestamp,EndTimeStamp,summary_InitialMemoryInMB,summary_UsedMemoryInMB,summary_CommittedMemoryInMB,summary_MaxMemoryInMB,summary_CumulativeGCTimeInSeconds,summary_CumulativeNumberOfGCCollections,Heap Memory_InitialMemoryInMB,Heap Memory_UsedMemoryInMB,Heap Memory_CommittedMemoryInMB,Heap Memory_MaxMemoryInMB,Non-Heap Memory_InitialMemoryInMB,Non-Heap Memory_UsedMemoryInMB,Non-Heap Memory_CommittedMemoryInMB,Non-Heap Memory_MaxMemoryInMB,Garbage Collection - Copy_CumulativeGCTimeInSeconds,Garbage Collection - Copy_CumulativeNumberOfGCCollections,Garbage Collection - MarkSweepCompact_CumulativeGCTimeInSeconds,Garbage Collection - MarkSweepCompact_CumulativeNumberOfGCCollections
BRK10,72b6ac06-5ce9-11e6-b2ff-7f0001010000,default,03864fee-a7c3-4096-834a-5992123f632a,2017-08-11 15:21:44.000,2017-08-11 15:21:44.000,2017-08-11 15:21:44.000,32,51,325,-1,0,28,32,26,34,256,0,25,291,-1,0,26,0,2
BRK10,72b6ac06-5ce9-11e6-b2ff-7f0001010000,default,03864fee-a7c3-4096-834a-5992123f632a,2017-08-11 15:21:44.000,2017-08-11 15:21:48.000,2017-08-11 15:21:48.000,32,52,317,-1,0,28,32,27,34,256,0,25,283,-1,0,26,0,2

Use the links in Resource statistics data for information about the resource statistics data that is collected.