Example: changes to state of an integration node or message flow

Changes to the processing state of an integration node or an individual message flow publish events.

The body of each publication is an XML message that gives additional information about the state change that caused the event to be triggered, including whether the entity was started or stopped.

For example, starting a message flow generates the following message:
<Broker uuid="integrationNodeUuid" label="integrationNodeName" version="1">
<ExecutionGroup uuid="integrationServerUuid">
   <MessageFlow uuid="messageFlowUuid"/>
Stopping an integration node generates the following message body:
<Broker uuid="integrationNodeUuid" label="integrationNodeName" version="1">
 <StatusChange state="Stopped"/>

Currently, the only states that are notified for both integration nodes and message flows are Started and Stopped.

These events are nonpersistent, retained publications.