Other sources of diagnostic information on z/OS

Other files that you might find useful for problem determination.

Files from an integration node

The integration node puts files into the file system. If you do not know where the files are for the integration node, look at the MQSI_REGISTRY value in the component profile (BIPBPROF) in the component dataset. This is set to a value like /u/argo/VCP0BRK. Be careful to access the file system on the correct system; if the file system is not shared, there could be the same directory on each MVS™ image. To be sure, log on to the system where the integration node is running and access the file system. You can use the TSO ISHell command, or go into OMVS itself. Go to the directory specified and select the output directory. The traceodbc file should appear in this directory.

When submitting JCL from the component PDSE, output files are written to the ++HOME++ location. The following files should appear in this directory:

  • bipprof
  • ENVFILE.<8 character integration server name>
  • bipprof.<8 character integration server name>

Files in the home directory

Other files are stored in the home directory of the user ID of the started task. The MVS command D A, jobname displays the user ID of the job. The directory of the user ID is typically /u/userid but you should check this with your system programmer, or issue the TSO command LU userid OMVS. If you are authorized, this command displays text including the HOME statement.

There might be several different sorts of files in the home directory, such as core dump files.

Problems accessing files in the file system

If you cannot access a file system file or directory, it might be that you do not have permission to do so. This could mean that you are not able to issue certain commands. You need to ask the owner of the file or directory to give you permission to use the file.