FtpServer configurable service

Select the properties and values that you want to change for an existing FtpServer configurable service or to create a new service.

To change these properties, you must specify the integration node name and -c FtpServer. You must also set the ObjectName to the name of the configurable service that you have previously created.

See the mqsichangeproperties command for examples of its use.

For FtpServer configurable services, you must stop and start the integration server for a change of property value to take effect.

Supplied configurable services that are created for each broker Properties for each configurable service that is defined Description of properties


Some FTP servers require an account name during the FTP logon procedure. If this property is specified, its value is the account name that is supplied when it is requested during FTP logon. If this property is not specified, and the server requests an account name, the FTP transfer fails.


The cipher that is used for encryption. This property takes the form of one or more of the following values, separated by plus signs (+):
  • blowfish-cbc
  • 3des-cbc
  • aes128-cbc
  • aes192-cbc
  • aes256-cbc
  • aes128-ctr
  • aes192-ctr
  • aes256-ctr
  • 3des-ctr
  • arcfour
  • arcfour128
  • arcfour256
The cipher that you use for encryption depends on your SSH implementation. List the values in order of preference.

This property is valid only when SFTP is specified as the protocol. If FTP or FTPS is used, this property is ignored.

If no value is specified, the following default is used: blowfish-cbc+3des-cbc+aes128-cbc+aes192-cbc+aes256-cbc+aes128-ctr+aes192-ctr+aes256-ctr+3des-ctr+arcfour+arcfour128+arcfour256


The level of compression to be used. Valid values are integers in the range 0 - 9, where 0 specifies no compression and 9 specifies maximum compression.

This property is valid only when SFTP is specified as the protocol. If FTP or FTPS is used, this property is ignored.

If no value is specified, the default value of 0 is used.


The FTP data socket connection. Valid values are ACTIVE or PASSIVE.

This property is valid only when FTP or FTPS is specified as the protocol. If SFTP is specified, this property is ignored.


The location of the known hosts file. The value must be the fully qualified path to a valid known hosts file.

The host information is stored in a known_hosts file in OpenSSL PEM format.

This property is mandatory if the strictHostKeyChecking property is set to Yes. If the strictHostKeyChecking property is set to No, this property is ignored.

This property is valid only when SFTP is specified as the protocol. If FTP or FTPS is used, this property is ignored.


The Message Authentication Code. This property takes the form of one or more of the following values, separated by plus signs (+):
  • hmac-md5
  • hmac-sha1
  • hmac-md5-96
  • hmac-sha1-96
The MAC that you use depends on your SSH implementation. List the values in order of preference.

This property is valid only when SFTP is specified as the protocol. If FTP is used, this property is ignored.

If no value is specified, the following default is used: hmac-md5+hmac-sha1+hmac-md5-96+hmac-sha1-96


This property specifies whether files that are retrieved from a remote server by the FileInput node retain the last modified date on the server.

The default value is No. If you select Yes, the FileInput node completes appropriate parsing to determine the remote file date during processing. The MDTM command is used where it is supported by the remote server. Where the MDTM command is not supported, the listing text is used.

When parsing from listing text, the precision is limited to the information that is available in the specific listing format used by the remote server. If the listing format is ambiguous, the FileInput node bases parsing on the locale settings of the integration node. If the date cannot be determined reliably from the remote server, an exception is issued and the message is not processed.


The remote transfer protocol to use. Valid values are FTP, FTPS, or SFTP. If no protocol is specified in the configurable service, the value specified in the node is used.


The relative or absolute directory name on the remote FTP server. If it is set, this property overrides the Server directory property on the FTP tab of the FileInput or FileOutput node that uses this service.


The time, in seconds, to wait after a scan of the directory results in no files being identified for processing. The default value is 60 seconds. If it is set, this property overrides the Scan delay property on the FTP tab of the FileInput node that uses this service.


The name of a security identity that is defined by using the mqsisetdbparms command. If it is set, this property overrides the Security identity property on the FTP tab of the FileInput or FileOutput node that uses this service. If the value of this property is secId, use the following command to define the security identity:
  • If you are using FTP:
    mqsisetdbparms integrationNodeName
    -n ftp::secId -u userName 
    -p password
  • If you are using SFTP:
    mqsisetdbparms integrationNodeName
    -n sftp::secId -u userName 
    -p password 
    mqsisetdbparms integrationNodeName
    -n sftp::secId -u userName 
    -i SSHIdentityFile 
    -r Passphrase

For more information about security identity support, seeSecurity identities for integration nodes connecting to external systems.


The IP address and, optionally, port number for the remote FTP server. The syntax for the property is identical to the syntax that is permitted for the FTP server and port property of the FileInput and FileOutput nodes (except that it cannot be the name of an FtpServer configurable service).

sslProtocol The SSL protocol to use when transferring files using FTPS.

The default value is TLSv1.2.

Possible values are:
  • SSL
  • SSLv3
  • TLS
  • TLSv1
  • TLSv1.1
  • TLSv1.2
  • SSL_TLSv2

Note that some protocols are, by default, disabled. For a list of the protocols that are supported, see the appropriate level of the IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition, product documentation online. For example, for Java 8, see Protocols.


This property specifies how host keys are checked during the connection and authentication phase. Valid values are:
Specifies that the following action is performed:
  • If the connection is to a new host, connect and accept the host key, and store it
  • If the connection is to a host that has been connected to previously, and the host key has changed, issue an exception (in the FileOutput node).
If you select No, a default known hosts file (managed by the integration node) is used.
Connect only to known hosts with valid keys; otherwise issue an exception.

If you select Yes, you must specify your own known hosts file using the knownHostsFile property.

The default value is No.

The host information is stored in a known_hosts file in OpenSSL PEM format.

This property is valid only when SFTP is specified as the protocol. If FTP or FTPS is used, this property is ignored.


The timeout value, in seconds, to establish a connection to the remote FTP, FTPS, or SFTP server. You can set any valid integer as the timeoutSec property value. A timeout of 0 is interpreted as an infinite timeout. If you are using FTP or FTPS, the default value is 5 seconds. If you are using SFTP, the default value is 20 seconds.


The transfer mode of the FTP connection. Valid values are BINARY (the default) or ASCII. If it is set, this property overrides the Transfer mode property on the FTP tab of the FileInput or FileOutput node that uses this service.

This property is valid only when FTP or FTPS is specified as the protocol. If SFTP is specified, this property is ignored.

If you define an FtpServer configurable service by using the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command, you can then specify the name of this configurable service in the Remote server and port property on the FTP tab of the FileInput and FileOutput nodes.

To create an FtpServer configurable service, the command has the following syntax:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsicreateconfigurableserviceintegrationNodeName -c  FtpServer  -oObjectName  -n,PropertyName -v,PropertyValue
where Objectname is the name of the configurable service and PropertyName is one or more of the properties described in this topic.

If you define an FtpServer configurable service, you must specify a value for its serverName property. All the other properties are optional. By default, none of these properties in the FtpServer configurable service definition is set. The only mandatory property when you define an FtpServer configurable service is serverName.

The following example of a mqsicreateconfigurableservice command shows how to create an FtpServer configurable service:
mqsicreateconfigurableservice IBNODER -c FtpServer -o Server01 
-n serverName,scanDelay,transferMode,connectionType,securityIdentity 
-v one.hursley.abc.com:123,20,BINARY,ACTIVE,secId

Values set in properties in the FtpServer configurable service definition override the values set in the corresponding properties in the FileInput and FileOutput nodes.

If you set the accountInfo property, it is used during the login protocol when connecting to the FtpServer configurable service after supplying the user identifier and password. This information is sometimes required by FTP servers and requested as part of the login protocol. This setting allows the FileInput and FileOutput nodes to respond appropriately during login.

If you set the connectionType property, it alters the type of data socket that is used to transfer files to or from the FTP server. If you set this property to ACTIVE, this refers to a socket that is established by the remote server to the client (the integration node message flow). If you set this property to PASSIVE, it refers to a socket that is established by the client to the remote server (as is the login or control socket). The default is PASSIVE, which is more likely to be tolerated by most types of firewall protection that allow the client to log in. You can set this property to ACTIVE if either the FTP server does not support PASSIVE connections, or there are special arrangements that your configuration must meet.