Manually removing data collector configuration from an application server instance

To manually remove the data collector configuration from an application server instance, you must be able to connect to the application server by using the wsadmin tool. This is possible only if you are using WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment and the Deployment Manager is running. If the WebSphere application server cannot start, you must restore the WebSphere application server from the backup taken when you run the configuration utility.

About this task

You can manually remove the data collector configuration from an application server instance, if any of the following conditions apply:
  • In a non-Network Deployment environment, you manually added the data collector configuration to the application server instance and you want to unconfigure data collection. The application server instance must be running.
  • In a Network Deployment environment, you manually added the data collector configuration to the application server instance and you want to unconfigure data collection. The Node Agent and Deployment Manager on the application server must be running.
  • In a Network Deployment environment, you configured the application server instance for data collection manually and the application server fails to start. The Node Agent and Deployment Manager on the application server must be running.

If you configured a stand-alone application server instance for data collection either manually or with the configuration or migration utility and the application server fails to start, you must restore your WebSphere Application Server configuration with your backup configuration. For more information, see Restoring the application server configuration from a backup.

  • You must make manual changes to the WebSphere application server configuration for data collectors as the WebSphere administrative user.
  • Making manual changes to the WebSphere application server for data collection must be performed by an experienced WebSphere administrator only. Any error in the manual configuration change can result in the application server not starting.
  • If you manually configure the data collector to monitor application server instances, you cannot use the unconfiguration utility to unconfigure the data collector.


To manually remove the data collector configuration, complete the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Administration Server Console.
  2. Click Servers.
  3. Expand Server Type and select WebSphere application servers.
  4. Click the name of the server.
  5. In the Configuration tab, go to Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine > Additional Properties: Custom Properties.
  6. Remove any of the following JVM Custom Properties, if they are present:
    • am.home
    • TEMAGCCollector.gclog.path
    • primaryInjectorFile
  7. Identify the JVM arguments that were added for the data collector.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Environment > WebSphere Variables.
    2. If you manually configured the application server for data collection, locate the JVM arguments you added manually.
      If you configured the application server for data collection with the configuration utilities, compare the values of the AM_OLD_ARGS and AM_CONFIG_JVM_ARGS arguments to determine which arguments were added by the configuration utility.
  8. Click Server > Application Server and select the appropriate server name.
  9. In the Configuration tab, go to Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
  10. In Generic JVM Arguments field, remove the JVM arguments that you identified in Step 7 for the data collector.
  11. Click Apply or OK.
  12. In the Messages dialog box, click Save.
  13. In the Save to Master Configuration dialog box, complete one of the following steps:
    • If you are under a Network Deployment environment, make sure that the Synchronize changes with Nodes check box is selected, and then click Save.
    • If you are not under a Network Deployment environment, click Save.
  14. Remove environment entries that were added for the data collector.
    1. In the Configuration tab, go to Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Environment Entries.
    2. Depending on the operating system, delete the following environment entry:
      • Operating systems such as UNIXLIBPATH
      • LinuxLD_LIBRARY_PATH
      • WindowsPATH
    3. Remove the NLSPATH environment entry.
  15. Click Apply or OK.
  16. In the Messages dialog box, click Save.
  17. In the Save to Master Configuration dialog box, complete one of the following steps:
    • If you are under a Network Deployment environment, make sure the check box Synchronize changes with Nodes is selected, and then click Save.
    • If you are not under a Network Deployment environment, click Save.
  18. In the navigation pane, click Environment > WebSphere Variables.
  19. Delete the following variables:
  20. In the Messages dialog box, click Save.
  21. In the Save to Master Configuration dialog box, complete one of the following steps:
    • If you are under a Network Deployment environment, make sure the check box Synchronize changes with Nodes is selected, and then click Save.
    • If you are not under a Network Deployment environment, click Save.
  22. If you configured the server instance for data collection with the data collector configuration tool, rather than manually, complete the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the dc_home/runtime directory.
    2. Rename the $profile.$cell.$node.$ file to $profile.$cell.$node.$
  23. If you are manually removing the data collector configuration from all application server instances in a profile, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the $appserverhome/bin directory.
    2. Run the -all command on Windows systems or the -all command on UNIX and Linux® systems.
  24. Restart the application server instance that was monitored by the data collector.