Configuring the data collector

You can use configure the data collector for each application server instance that you want to monitor.

Before you begin

Ensure that the files, which are listed in the Before you begin section of the Configuring SAP NetWeaver Java Stack monitoring topic, are available in the bin directory.


To configure the data collector by responding to prompts, complete the following steps:

  1. On command line, change the path to Windowsinstall_dir\svdchome\build no\bin\configNW or Linux or AIXinstall_dir/svdchome/build no/bin/configNW directory and run the following script:
    • Windowsconfig.bat
    • Linux or
  2. Select the SAP NetWeaver Application Server version by typing the number that corresponds to product for which you want to configure the data collector and press Enter.
  3. When you are prompted for user name, enter the user name that is configured on the SAP NetWeaver Application Server with Java Stack, and press Enter.
  4. When you are prompted for password, enter the password, and press Enter.
  5. When you are prompted to reenter password, enter the password again, and press Enter.
  6. When you are prompted for a P4 port number, enter the P4 port number of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server instance available on the local computer, and press Enter.
    Important: Use this formula for calculating the P4 port number: 50000 + (instance number*100) + 4
  7. When you are prompted to select the SAP NetWeaver Application Server instance number, enter the number that corresponds to the instance that you want to configure, and press Enter.
    Remember: For each instance, you need to configure the data collector separately.
  8. If you are prompted to enter path to Java home, then use JAVA_HOME from SAP instance. For example, E:\usr\sap\J01\J04\exe\sapjvm_6.
  9. When you are prompted, enter 1 if you want to enable the collection of transaction tracking data. Otherwise, enter 2, and press Enter.
  10. When you are prompted, enter 1 if you want to enable the collection of diagnostic data. Otherwise, enter 2 and press Enter.


The path is generated for loading class files.

What to do next

  1. Add the path that is generated to the appropriate environment variable.
    • WindowsPATH

    WindowsAdd the generated path to PATH environment variable.

    LinuxAdd the generated path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBPATH in the /home/sidadm/.cshrc file in the following format.

    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path

    setenv LIBPATH /path

    AIXAdd the generated path to LD LIBRARY PATH and LIB PATH in the /etc/environment file in following format.



  2. Restart the application server instances.
  3. Enable data collection for transaction tracking and diagnostics. For details, see Enabling the collection of transaction tracking and diagnostics data.