MVA is available in the Missing Values Analysis option.

MVA (Missing Value Analysis) describes the missing value patterns in a data file (data matrix). It can estimate the means, the covariance matrix, and the correlation matrix by using listwise, pairwise, regression, and EM estimation methods. Missing values themselves can be estimated (imputed), and you can then save the new data file.

MVA VARIABLES= {varlist}
               {ALL    }


           {n   }




  [/TTEST [PERCENT={5}] [{T  }] [{DF  } [{PROB  }] [{COUNTS  }] [{MEANS  }]]
                   {n}   {NOT}   {NODF}  {NOPROB}]  {NOCOUNTS}   {NOMEANS}



  [/DPATTERN [SORT=varname[({ASCENDING })] [varname ... ]]






  [/EM  [predicted_varlist] [WITH predictor_varlist]
      [([TOLERANCE={0.001}   ]
                     {value } 
        [ITERATIONS={25}     ]
                    {n }
        [TDF=n               ]
        [LAMBDA=a            ]
        [PROPORTION=b        ]
        [OUTFILE='file'      ])]

  [/REGRESSION  [predicted_varlist] [WITH predictor_varlist]
              [([TOLERANCE={0.001}                        ]
                          {n    }
                [FLIMIT={4.0}                             ]
                        {N  }
                [ADDTYPE={RESIDUAL*}                      ]
                         {NORMAL   }
                         {T[({5})  }
                         {NONE     }
                [OUTFILE='file'                           ])]]

*If the number of complete cases is less than half the number of cases, the default ADDTYPE specification is NORMAL.

**Default if the subcommand is omitted.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the MVA command can be generated from the Missing Value Analysis dialog.


MVA VARIABLES=populatn density urban religion lifeexpf region
  /MPATTERN DESCRIBE=region religion.

 /EM males msport WITH males msport gradrate facratio.