SPLIT Specification (MATRIX-END MATRIX command)

To write a matrix-format data file with split-file groups, you must use the SPLIT specification to provide a row matrix containing the values of each of the split-file variables for the matrix expression being written by the current MSAVE statement.

  • The split vector must have the same number of columns as there are split-file variables in the matrix data file being written. You can use a scalar when there is only one split-file variable. For example, SPLIT=3 indicates that the matrix data being written are for the value 3 of the split-file variable.
  • The values of the split vector are written to the matrix-format data file as values of the split-file variable(s).
  • To create a complete matrix-format data file with split-file variables, you must execute MSAVE statements for every combination of values of the split-file variables. (If factor variables are present, you must execute MSAVE statements for every combination of factor codes within every combination of values of the split-file variables.)