Matrix Expression (MATRIX-END MATRIX command)

Matrix expression is a single matrix variable name or an expression that evaluates to a matrix. PRINT displays the specified matrix.

  • The matrix specification must precede any other specifications on the PRINT statement. If no matrix is specified, no data will be displayed, but the TITLE and SPACE specifications will be honored.
  • You can specify a matrix name, a matrix raised to a power, or a matrix function (with its arguments in parentheses) by itself, but you must enclose other matrix expressions in parentheses. For example, PRINT A, PRINT INV(A), and PRINT B**DET(T(C)*D) are all legal, but PRINT A+B is not. You must specify PRINT (A+B).
  • Constant expressions are allowed.
  • A matrix program can consist entirely of PRINT statements, without defining any matrix variables.