POWER UNIVARIATE LINEAR is available in IBM® SPSS® Statistics Base Edition. The command invokes power analysis for the type III F-test in univariate linear regression. Univariate linear regression is a basic and standard statistical approach in which researchers use the values of several variables to explain or predict values of a scale outcome.

        [ MODEL={FIXED**} {RANDOM}]
        [ SIGNIFICANCE={0.05**} {value}]
        { N={integer} } { POWER=[value] | [value1 TO value2 BY value3] }
        { PARTIAL_CORR={value} } {FULL_MODEL={value} NESTED_MODEL={value} {ES={value} }
        [ INTERCEPT={TRUE**} {FALSE}]
    [ /PLOT
        [ N([integer1 integer2]) ]
        [ PARTIAL_CORR ]
        [ ES ]
        [ N_XAXIS([integer1 integer2]) PARTIAL_CORR_YAXIS ]
        [ N_YAXIS([integer1 integer2]) PARTIAL_CORR_XAXIS ]
        [ N_XAXIS([integer1 integer2]) ES_YAXIS ]
        [ N_YAXIS([integer1 integer2]) ES_XAXIS ]

** Default if the subcommand or keyword is omitted.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the POWER UNIVARIATE LINEAR command can be generated from the Power Analysis of Univariate Linear Regression Test dialog.

Release History

Release 28.0.1

  • Added support for the PARAMETERS subcommand's ES keyword.
  • Added support for the PLOT subcommand's ES, ES_YAXIS, and ES_XAXIS keywords.

Release 28.0

  • PARAMETERS subcommand's POWER keyword supports [value1 TO value2 BY value3].
Release 27.0
  • Command introduced