String Values in Command Specifications

  • Each string specified in a command should be enclosed in single or double quotes.
  • To specify a single quote or apostrophe within a quoted string, either enclose the entire string in double quotes or double the single quote/apostrophe. Both of the following specifications are valid:
    'Client''s Satisfaction'
    "Client's Satisfaction" 
  • To specify double quotes within a string, use single quotes to enclose the string:
    'Categories Labeled "UNSTANDARD" in the Report'
  • String specifications can be broken across command lines by specifying each string segment within quotes and using a plus (+) sign to join segments. For example,
    'One, Two' 

    can be specified as

    + ' Two'

    The plus sign can be specified on either the first or the second line of the broken string. Any blanks separating the two segments must be enclosed within one or the other string segment.

  • Multiple blank spaces within quoted strings are preserved and can be significant. For example, "This string" and "This     string" are treated as different values.